Mmmm Home Cooked Foods

I'm the kinda girl who is hungry and loves food. I most likely wouldn't have a weight problem if I didn't. I want to hear your thoughts or suggestions on the situation I'm going to be in soon.

So after long holiday season I finally feel like I have a better control over my portion sizes at meal times. However in a couple of weeks I'm heading back to my home town were my parents make the food I grew up on and love! And in some ways the food is good for you... but not really. Every time I'm at their house I can't help but have the weakest will power and have multiple servings.

What are your guys' thoughts on how I could prevent this? ALSO, I'm looking for more friends :)


  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    I understand, I love home cooked comfort food (I had to write a report once for college about 5 memories I had growing up, ALL 5 had to do with food :blushing: ) And nobody's cooking is as good as mommas. :tongue:

    First off I would suggest letting your parents know, as a mom if my child had a goal they were working on I know I would be more than willing to help them be successful. Maybe she could use fat free or reduced fat items while cooking, most of the time you can't tell when a recipe is cooked with healthier items.
    Second, no matter what you eat log it! Having to write down everything that crosses your lips sometimes will make you realize it's not worth it. (Just last night I wanted a candy bar but the thought of it being in my food dairy made me not want to eat it)
    Third keep healthy snacks around & snack throughout the day so you are never really hungry (apples are my go to snack) also drink LOTS of water
    And last when it comes time to eat one of those home cooked meals BEFORE you make your plate, eat a large salad (nothing fancy maybe some lettuce, carrots & tomatoes with fat free / lite dressing) drink a whole glass of water, THEN get a small plate for your meal. You won't want as much because you will have already eaten the salad, the smaller plate will help with portion control but you won't feel like you are depriving yourself of anything.