Turbo Fire!!! .....Who's with me??

I am finishing up round 2 of Insanity in a couple weeks and will be trying Turbo Fire for the first time. Just wondering if anyone else will be starting around 2-6-13 or who has had some great results with it? If so, are you in it with me to keep ourselves accountable and motivated?


  • 24kmparks
    24kmparks Posts: 35 Member
    I just started Turbo Fire at the beginning of the year and I LOVE IT! I didn't weigh my first week (wish I did), but I did lost 3lbs last week :) It is so much fun!!! I like this much more than Insanity, however, Insanity will be my next challenge after I finish TF. Good luck to you and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
  • racingchix
    racingchix Posts: 6 Member
    I just started today with the 5 day inferno (or whatever she calls it) to get myself ready for the rest of the weeks. I LOVED my workout! Feel free to add me as having buddies doing the same workout is always nice.
  • I ordered TurboFire tonight and can't wait to get started on it. TurboJam has put me within 11 pounds of my goal weight but I need to step things up to get the flat stomach I have always wanted but never achieved. I think TurboFire can help me get there. =)
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    I am doing TurboFire and I LOVE it! I am half-way through week 2. I did take before pics so I can't wait to see the results! If you need a friend to help with encouragment and accountability send me a friend request!
  • Mane1972
    Mane1972 Posts: 26 Member
    I love Turbo Fire! I have had it almost 2 years, and it is my main go-to cardio!
  • LOVE TurboFire! I started last week with the 5 day program and I just started the regular program on Monday. It's great!
  • mistiffy
    mistiffy Posts: 11 Member
    I've been thinking about this vs insanity, I'm not sure which way to go yet! Too many choices!! ;)
  • Steph13RN
    Steph13RN Posts: 92 Member
    For those of you who have done it ... do you think that someone at 231 pounds can handle it??

    I'm definitely not in shape by any means, but can hold my own (if that makes sense). I'm currently using P90, and boy is it not motivating at all. I'm thinking that I need something with some pizzaz to make me want to get up and do it more and more each day. Something that is fun. I do P90 b/c I know I should, and I want to be in better shape.

    So what so you folks think?? Also, any other programs you've used from BB??
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Hi there Steph13RN
    You must be a nurse? My wife is one. In regards to what to try. If you don’t mind me asking what is it about P90 (Power90) (Not P90X right) that does not keep you motivated? Is it that it is dated meaning that Tony Horton in those goofy shorts not cutting it lol? He did make fun of himself about that. I personally have not done that workout. If you are referring to P90X than is it because it is weightlifting. What are your goals and what are your accustomed to doing? More cardio?

    If you want to do Insanity let me tell you that it is pretty intense and a lot of people get discouraged right off the bat and to those people I tell them to give it another shot and don’t be afraid to modify the moves and slow down. I have heard great reviews of turbofire from people here and others that I have helped. They like the workouts and the music that plays. Another one that might be for you is Les Mills Combat… Feel free to post here, message me or buddy me and I’d be happy to share what I know and lets get you back up and motivated again. Don’t get discouraged. It’s time to get back into it.

  • I like both Turbofire and Insanity. I incorporate both of them into my workouts every week because I like lots of variety. It seems to me it would be easier to modify TF vs Insanity, but you can modify anything if need be. Love BB programs,