New in Massachusetts

Hi, I am 49 and just started the journey, AGAIN!! I've been a yo-yo dieter most of my adult life but this time is different! I am borderline diabetic, borderline high cholesterol, just became a grandfather for the second time and about to have a 3rd any week! I want to be around for my grand kids a bit longer than my grandfathers were so I am on my journey. I am looking to lose around 100 lbs though so my battle will be years in the making!

So I copied the above from what I had written as a comment on someone else's intro.

I am an ex Air Force veteran that was always on "the Fat Boy Program". I weighed 194 when I joined at 18 and would love to get close to that again. I have plenty of excuses for not working out but need the attitude adjustment to make it fun. I found this site from a group of weight lifters on I joined from my phone and finally came on from my computer. So far the app is keeping me honest, well as of today when I added it to the top of my opening page and see the bright blue figure. I like that I can scan a UPC and enter the food right away, great for me as I never know how to write that in. The easier the better.

Well this is getting long. I heard the buddy system works wonders for people so I'm throwing it out there, add me and if you live close to Western Mass maybe we can get together for a workout or tips to aide in our journey!

Dave (Moj)