Feeling Lazy

Hey all,
Trying to figure out what is going on here. I've been feeling really lazy lately and I'm not sure if I need to take it easy or push through it. All of my coworkers are getting sick, so I'm afraid I might be fighting off a bug (though my only symptom is feeling tired). I've also been under a lot of stress I guess - lots going on.

Anyway, I'm eating tons, trying to hit 2000 calories a day (all raw vegan). I've been doing Bikram yoga and P90X, for an average of 6-7 workouts a week.

I've made sure to take all of my vitamins the past two days and am trying to drink more water; does this sound like it could be dehydration? My weight has also been creeping up a few pounds over the last week. (I'm not trying to lose right now, more focused on getting enough calories since I'm doing all raw).

Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you!


  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I went through a period where I was feeling really tired and lazy, and my trainer made me take a week off from working out to just let my body rest and recooperate. The thought of taking a week off freaked me out, but afterwards I was back to my old self. Maybe you just need some time off. Or if you don't want to go completely cold turkey, maybe just a week of really low impact exercises - yoga, walking.