Uhh... self sabotaged.. HELP pls?!?!?



  • pikachuFL
    pikachuFL Posts: 75 Member
    Don't feel like it's the end of the world because you make one mistake. A Dr Pepper and chips is not the end of the world and probably won't break the scales unless you make a habit of going over like this.

    One time when I was on a diet, I was being very strict about what I let myself eat. I ended up giving into temptation and eating a small can of potato sticks. After that, I felt like I had blown it and went on a major binge, eating a bunch of leftovers my mom had in the refrigerator. The next day she and my dad were talking abut what they were going to have for supper and I had to tell my mom they couldn't have what they were discussing because I had eaten it all. I felt like such a selfish pig. All that could have been avoided if I had quit at the potato sticks and not beat myself up over it.
  • lindaschindler
    lindaschindler Posts: 1 Member
    Forget it and start over again! Next time the craving hits, try saying to yourself............."a moment on the lips, forever on the hips".

    We all have those times, don't beat yourself up or give up! Get back on that horse!
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    Ok so I totally just had a Dr Pepper and some chips.. totally unplanned and threw me off my diet. :/

    How did it throw off your diet?

    Answer : it didn't.

    This is why diet's fail. You do one thing wrong and it's ruined. This is not the case. To be successful in losing weight and then keeping it off, you need to realize that you're never going to be perfect. Get over it, move on and continue eating the best you can.

    Totally agree!!
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I don't take a bite of it until I log it and see where it puts me calorie-wise.

    It helps keeps me in check!
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Don't look at a lapse as throwing you off your diet. If you really see it that way maybe you're being too restrictive?? I press on. There is always tomorrow. Take a walk/jog if you want to get rid of the cals.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Ok so I totally just had a Dr Pepper and some chips.. totally unplanned and threw me off my diet. :/ How do you guys fight the cravings?? Do you know of anything I can do to burn some of those cals fast???

    Move on. If you want a lifestyle change and not just a diet you need to be able to have some of that stuff. Next time do diet if youre worried. Or baked chips or something. OR, dont keep it in the house.
  • MinisterTom
    MinisterTom Posts: 108 Member
    Just don't keep it in the house. I have Diet Dr Pepper and Diet Mountain Dew in the fridge. If I grab one, oh well. Besides that it is no big deal. You can get back on track tomorrow like everyone else says.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Its not about perfection. Its about a long and steady lifestyle change. I'm drinking a beer while I'm writing this and am about to eat some ice cream. Neither one of those is going to hurt me because they work into my calories and macros for the day.

  • kschmi24
    kschmi24 Posts: 59 Member
    No such thing as threw you off. Sounds like a good excuse to go for a short jog, long walk, or alternating squats, pushups, situps, wall sits, and planks to me :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    How many cal/kjs in the dr pepper and chips?

    An estimated 500

    500 calories isn't much if you are on a decent amount of calories per day. Are you on a VLC diet? Even if you are on 1200 a day which is low you still have 700 for your other two meals. Eat lots of veggies and it'll balance out.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I do my best to eat healthy and stay under calories each day. If I go over every now and then, I don't stress over it.

    To help myself, I keep some things out of the house (mostly soda & chocolate)
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I don't take a bite of it until I log it and see where it puts me calorie-wise.

    It helps keeps me in check!

    Me too. I have been known to take something off my plate if it causes an overage. lol
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220
    you must accept that you stalled fat loss for an entire day. Next time you get that craving ask yourself if its worth stalling progress for an entire day.. I say its not most of the time.
  • tigtigs
    tigtigs Posts: 52
    I enjoy treats along the way...on other days I remind myself that nothing tastes as good as kicking butt feels...and then I go be awesome!! :-) It's pretty motivating when you are able to withstand temptation!! :-)
  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    Wouldn't worry about it. No one can eat perfectly each day. Workout extra tomorrow if you can't tonight. Even if you eat over your desired calorie level, so long as it isn't 500 over, you are still in a deficit (Myfitnesspal for most of us is at a 500 calorie deficit, possibly more).

    I've been eating lots more fruits and veggies, and believe it or not, it's making the other food seem really gross to me now. I also am using this product called Dia-slim (it's Chinese medicine - herbal) that cuts your sugar cravings. It is actually helping me, and nothing used to stop me from craving chocolate. I mean, NOTHING!

    If you know you love chips, Whole Foods has some baked chips. I buy soy sour cream or lite sour cream and just have a little mixed with Lipton French Onion dip. I drink it a lime seltzer water instead of crappy aspartame diet soda or sugar soda.
  • mlk8604
    mlk8604 Posts: 56 Member
    Ok so I totally just had a Dr Pepper and some chips.. totally unplanned and threw me off my diet. :/

    How did it throw off your diet?

    Answer : it didn't.

    This is why diet's fail. You do one thing wrong and it's ruined. This is not the case. To be successful in losing weight and then keeping it off, you need to realize that you're never going to be perfect. Get over it, move on and continue eating the best you can.

    /\ /\ This!! /\ /\
  • Superlightskin25
    Superlightskin25 Posts: 1 Member
    Don't buy the chips and soda. Remove all temptations so when the craving hits you won't have anything to eat that is not good for you. Also replace all the unhealthy snack with healthy snacks like pita chips and seltzer water.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I try not to keep unhealthy stuff I really like in the house, just ever so often.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    hey girl - how about tomorrow just balancing it out??? so you screw up today, thats okay! Its not about just today - its about your lifestyle!!! balance the foods, etc out. if you do terrible today, do 100% better tomorrow. dont get upset with your pleasures of enjoying a darn DR P and what nots......
    Yesterday i plowed through two servings of Flaming hot Cheetos. so what did i do today? i balanced it out with MORE exercise and less calories!!! Its o...K to live a little!

    Its all about balance and living to learn with it!
  • viennagrace
    viennagrace Posts: 6 Member
    Lozze I loved your reply. Just wanted to let you know.