Pedometer Challenge - 10,000 Steps a day March 2010



  • semperfiwife
    I got my pedometer in the mail last night! I have it on now while I'm at work, I'm hoping to have a decent amount of steps since i started walking after work in the local park but I suppose we will see :) I will post my steps later, I'm very excited about this lol
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Welcome, iwillweighlessone! We're a small group, kinda quiet, but it's a good place to post your pedometer results every day!

    Semperfiwife - YAY! I'll be interested to see how you do today w/ your steps - that first day will tell you how much extra you need to do to get to where you want to be....

    I didn't do so hot yesterday, didn't get my evening walk in, so my steps were like only 4866 - very disappointing! I usually get all my steps in at work, but I was doing desk work ALL DAY so the only steps I got in was walking to the restroom! Not good!

    I plan to do better today....
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Beautiful Walkers!!
    Hope everyone had an oustanding weekend and took advantage of the extra time to take care of themselves and get their walking in ! I didn't do too well at the bridal shower but still kept my walking up - finally made it over 10,000 steps !! :drinker: :drinker: Woo Hoo!!
    Sunday - 12,699
    Monday - 13,415
    2mi on for lunchtime w/ Leslie - dreary day here in College Station - "tut tut, it looks like rain!" and TJ cardio party 3 on for after work.

    Keep going ladies we can do this!!

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Where is Everybody,
    The weigh in was abysimal - the scale didn't budge and I exercised daily!! :grumble: Guess that shower cost me more than I thought ~ feels like my body just isn't cooperating with me...
    Anyway, did really good with my food and seem to be holding steady at max 7 cigs per day. Got my 2mi in at lunch, and did 20min TJ and Abjam after dinner. Total steps today .... 10,676!! Yea!!
    Did one more thing different today - I ate as soon as I got home rather than wait til after my workout. I always eat afterwards and that usually means between 9-930pm and I go to sleep...... I was reading on another thread to curb your eating after 8pm and to give yourself 3 hours after dinner before you sleep. That way you have more time to burn it off. It makes perfect sense and it's not new but today I heard it and took some action. I also cut up some cukes for knoshing if I get the hankering for something crunchy after 8pm. Feels good to not give up even though I'm disappointed in the scale and to try for something different.
    Hope all are well and taking care of themselves.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hi there, walkers!

    I had a pretty good day food wise, stayed under my calorie goal. Pedometer says 9492, but I know I got in more than that. It shut off on me twice today, and I didn't know how long it was off, so I'm sure I was over my 10,000 step goal!

    Hard to believe it's only Tuesday evening - I feel like it's been a long week already! Talk to y'all tmrw!
  • semperfiwife
    Dragonfly congrats! You did awesome this past weekend ;)

    Yesterday was my first day with my pedometer and I only did 5169. I do sit at a desk all day, so my only walking was to the restroom and to the break area, I skipped my afternoon walking because my dog has a vet appointment, but today I will walking in the park after work so that should help some.

    Resalyn, that's awesome that you reached your goal! I hope I reach the 10,000 soon. Just having the pedometer on makes me feel like I should go out of my way to make more steps, its a real motivator!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey there! Didn't make my goal yesterday, cuz I was at the hairdresser's gettin a new 'do! Got quite a bit going on tonight too, so dunno if I'll make my steps goal, but I"m certainly gonna really try!!! Hope y'all have a WONDERFUL day today! :heart:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Darn, duplicate post, sorry.... :cry:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey There Walkers,
    Hope everyone is doing fine on this Thursday!! Got up at 4 this morning and di 35 min of cardio w/ 5lb weights before work - have a meeting on for later and I know I will probably be too tired to work out when I get home around 830 tonight!! Getting ready for my 2 miles w/ Leslie for lunch!! My pedometer says 14,412 for yesterday!!!! Hurray!!

    Resalyn - glad you hit your goal yesterday - hope you update your pix with that cute new "do" That always makes me feel special!!

    Semperfi - I love my ped - it definetly makes you more conscious of walking more - I work in an office too!! Keep it up ~ I want to here about your progress. I do have to say that over 5000 step for an "average" day rocks - you're definetly headed in the right direction!!

    Will check in later and Make it a great day,
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Happy Friday, Walkers!

    Anyone got big plans for the weekend? Sposed to snow here tomorrow, apparently, hopefully the last big snow of the year. It was almost 70 degrees yesterday and then tomorrow snow..........go figure. I'm still hoping to get some walking in, we'll see - otherwise, spring cleaning in the house!!! And somehow getting my daugther to shovel the junk in her room into some semblance of organization. <sigh> My steps yesterday was only 6844, didn't get my evening walk in due to appts and parent-teacher conferences....
  • semperfiwife
    No big plans for the weekend here, working saturday, bleh. Sunday just church and some relaxing, hoping to take a run both days though. I did pretty good yesterday, took a short walk after work and ended up with 7995 steps for yesterday, hoping to have a little more in today! Congrats on the new hair do! I need to get mine done as well! Dragonfly, nice to now I'm not the only oen struggling with working in a offce with not much walking involved!
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    because I had to work all day, only got out for a 30-minute hike w/ DH and DD yesterday afternoon. Weather was beautiful, too bad I had to be inside typing those medical reports!

    Balance! Back to school age 47? What are you going to school for? I'm turning 40 next week, and I've been doing medical records and medical transcription for about 25 years, and I'm thinking of going back to school - just to do something different! Scares me, though, it'd be starting ALL OVER....
    Too funny...I owned a medical transcription company...sold it 6 yrs ago! Loved it, though. Returned to school to study Nutritional Science, and will have my undergrad in another semester. Do think I will actually spend one more year and get my Masters. LOVE love love it. Going back to school was the best (and one of the hardest) things I ever did!! GO FOR IT!
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    PS...I had knee surgery on Weds, so haven't been walking much. Not a major surgery -- torn meniscus. Actually have my pedometer on today, though. 2852 steps at 2:00 ...woo hoo! Hope to be back on track by mid next week. Just read that Valerie Bertinelli lost her last 10 pounds, in part, by getting in 20k steps a day!! (Of course, she was running for 30 mins at that point)
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    because I had to work all day, only got out for a 30-minute hike w/ DH and DD yesterday afternoon. Weather was beautiful, too bad I had to be inside typing those medical reports!

    Balance! Back to school age 47? What are you going to school for? I'm turning 40 next week, and I've been doing medical records and medical transcription for about 25 years, and I'm thinking of going back to school - just to do something different! Scares me, though, it'd be starting ALL OVER....
    Too funny...I owned a medical transcription company...sold it 6 yrs ago! Loved it, though. Returned to school to study Nutritional Science, and will have my undergrad in another semester. Do think I will actually spend one more year and get my Masters. LOVE love love it. Going back to school was the best (and one of the hardest) things I ever did!! GO FOR IT!

    Ok, now that is tooo weird. I also owned an MTSO for quite a few years, and a year and a half ago I got out of it, we were really small, only 6 MTs. I kept one small client for myself for extra spending $$, and got a job in a local small specialty hospital managing their HIM and Credentialing department. Since I've been so obsessed with logging my food - I literally was talking to our new nutritionist last month about where she went to school, how long, what certifications she has, LOL.

    I was actually considering nutrition, respiratory therapy, and occupational therapy. All of them are more hands-on clinicians than what I do now. I'm lucky in this job I get to be out on the floors a lot, not holed up at my desk all the time like in previous HIM jobs.....
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    Ok, now that is tooo weird. I also owned an MTSO for quite a few years, and a year and a half ago I got out of it, we were really small, only 6 MTs. I kept one small client for myself for extra spending $$, and got a job in a local small specialty hospital managing their HIM and Credentialing department. Since I've been so obsessed with logging my food - I literally was talking to our new nutritionist last month about where she went to school, how long, what certifications she has, LOL.

    I was actually considering nutrition, respiratory therapy, and occupational therapy. All of them are more hands-on clinicians than what I do now. I'm lucky in this job I get to be out on the floors a lot, not holed up at my desk all the time like in previous HIM jobs.....
    Your job now sounds great; lots of walking around and meeting people. I felt isolated sometimes when working in medical transcription. Sounds like you have the best of both worlds!

    Registered Dietitians are big demand right now, and looks like the field is expanding with the population aging. I'm not taking that route, as I'm not really interested in working in a clinical or school district-type setting; more with the general population. Some RDs do work in private practice, though. RDs also have to complete an unpaid internship for 6 months, which wouldn't work for me.

    I'm a writer, so my major is Nutritional Science, with a minor in journalism. My capstone project for graduation relates to a nutrition/lifestyle program for women 35+ who are dealing with slowed metabolism (either as a result of crash dieting, stress, hormones, etc. --not medical issues). We're in the field testing phase right now. It's called The Reboot Plan, and the groups we work with are in 4-week (re)Boot Camp. Pedometer is a BIG piece of the program ! It works!!!

    Just heard that Valerie Bertinelli lost her weight by sticking to 10k minimum steps a day (while watching what she ate) then went to 20k for the last 10 pounds.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Registered Dietitians are big demand right now, and looks like the field is expanding with the population aging. I'm not taking that route, as I'm not really interested in working in a clinical or school district-type setting; more with the general population. Some RDs do work in private practice, though. RDs also have to complete an unpaid internship for 6 months, which wouldn't work for me.

    I'm a writer, so my major is Nutritional Science, with a minor in journalism. My capstone project for graduation relates to a nutrition/lifestyle program for women 35+ who are dealing with slowed metabolism (either as a result of crash dieting, stress, hormones, etc. --not medical issues). We're in the field testing phase right now. It's called The Reboot Plan, and the groups we work with are in 4-week (re)Boot Camp. Pedometer is a BIG piece of the program ! It works!!!

    Just heard that Valerie Bertinelli lost her weight by sticking to 10k minimum steps a day (while watching what she ate) then went to 20k for the last 10 pounds.

    I completely fit into your group profile - turning 40 in two days and have been stalled in weight loss for 3 years now - due to multiple crash diets, age, hormones, lack of exercise, whatever!

    I read the same thing about Valerie and her pedometer. I've always been a yo-yo'er, but the yo-yo seems to be stuck on a knot now, LOL!

    I did hear about the RD's having to do a 6-mo unpaid internship - there is no way I'd be able to do that either, or it would be very very difficult and involve some serious brainwashing of my husband - we definitely have to be a two-income family, as most people have to be nowadays!

    I would love to read your final project and hear the results - it sounds fascinating to me!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Happy Monday, walkers!

    I got in no walking this weekend whatsoever. Saturday was just too darn cold, rainy, snowy, and windy. Yesterday was gorgeous, but I was in a 5-hour board meeting and then had to work my 2nd job for 4-5 hours, on top of housework, laundry, getting dinner ready, etc. No time to enjoy the day, darnit!

    I have my pedo on today, though, already got in 2185 steps, so I"m well on my way today. I didn't eat great over the weekend, but not hugely bad either..... It could have been worse, let's just say that! Well, I better get to work....
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Monday Walkers!!,
    Just a quick check in - the weekend was a bust exercise -wise - my attitude was not in it at all. I was a bundle of emotions all over the place!! My food was more of the comfort variety ( I even ate 2 Milky Ways) and I'm paying for it today - drat!! The upside is I haven't had a cigarette since last Wednesday @ 7pm!!!! A huge miracle for me!!
    I got up and did 2 fat burning miles w/ Leslie and just finished another 2 miles w/ Leslie in my office. The stepper says 10,795 for right now and it's only 12:39!! Hurray!!
    Over 10k so far for today and cig free - I'm counting that as a victory!!
    I am using an E-cig as a nicotine weaning kind of a deal - didn't want pills , gum or lozenges. Totally not the same as real smoking and I envision myself without it at some point in the near future

    Hugs to all and make it a great day,
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    Good Monday Morning!
    Wow, everyone is starting off the week right. I'm 5 days post-op now, and actually walked 5k yesterday, and plan on 10k today (I'm at 6268 at 10:45). Don't tell the doc, but I feel OK. So I'm back on board.

    Just talked to a friend this morning who walked 18k on Sunday, so she inspired me.
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    Theupside is I haven't had a cigarette since last Wednesday @ 7pm!!!! A huge miracle for me!!
    I got up and did 2 fat burning miles w/ Leslie and just finished another 2 miles w/ Leslie in my office. The stepper says 10,795 for right now and it's only 12:39!! Hurray!!
    Over 10k so far for today and cig free - I'm counting that as a victory!!

    STANDING APPLAUSE!!! So awesome. My sister is on day 7 of quitting, and I really believe she will do it this time. It was the hardest thing I ever did (10 years ago, now).