Infertility, weight-loss and HOPE! (My story)

kori333 Posts: 174 Member
While losing weight is no guaranteed solution for everyone, I just want to give hope to someone battling infertility due to being overweight. :flowerforyou:

When I got married at age 20 I was around 160 lbs at 5'4", so overweight but not obese. I'd been overweight since junior high but figured "that's just who I am." We waited a year for me to finish college before trying to conceive, but in that time I put on a lot of weight and my periods suddenly went screwy on me. I became very irregular which is incredibly frustrating when you're trying. I tipped the scales around 198 lbs before I woke up and realized I needed to lose some weight. I worked out some for about 4-5 months and got down to about 183 lbs when I had several false positive HPTs that sent me to the doctor only to be told there was no baby but instead I had multiple cysts on my ovaries and was diagnosed with PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome). We'd been trying for more than a year at this point so my doctor told me I could either go on birth control to regulate my cycles or try clomid. Well since we wanted a baby, clomid made the most sense. 2 cycles of that and I was pregnant with our first. It took 18 months total to conceive him. I started the pregnancy at 183 and ended up near 212 lbs. Yikes!

A week before delivering, April 2005

When my son was a year old we decided to start trying again for baby #2 knowing it could take a while. We decided not to go the fertility drug route since we felt strongly we could conceive on our own this time. During the 18 months it took to conceive, I again worked on losing weight and got down to 165 lbs before getting pregnant. I gained about 25 that pregnancy.

In the hospital with #2, June 2008

For baby #3 we again started trying after #2 turned one. This time we were thrilled when it ONLY took a year to conceive, which can be considered normal for a healthy couple. I had AGAIN worked hard to lose weight and had gotten down to 155 before getting pregnant. That pregnancy I topped out at just 177 lbs.

Baby #3 ready to go home, April 2011

The bad news is once the baby came, I got myself back down to 162 . . . then let myself go completely and climbed the scale back up to 178 only with no pregnancy. :frown: I was so ashamed at myself for completely "letting go" and using the excuse of the stress I felt raising 3 kids as a reason to do so. I was a big time emotional eater (which I still battle) and just allowed myself to be so.

That's when I found MFP in February of last year when my baby was 9 months old. I read a million success stories and decided if everyone else could do it, then why not me!?! I exercised 20-60 minutes a day (Sundays off) and counted calories for the first time in my life. I was so pleased when I managed to hit a healthy BMI of 145 in July and decided to go even further. I got to 136 in September, a number I didn't think was POSSIBLE for my scale to even say! I felt great about myself! I had started heavy lifting and was enjoying feeling strong.

February to Sept 2012

We decided to try for baby #4 at the end of summer (yes, we wanted more) thinking it would take as long as it always does, when to my surprise we learned we were pregnant after just 2 months! Being a healthy weight had returned my cycles completely to normal. I never thought it would ever be possible for us to get pregnant so easily, but here I sit at 18 weeks with the proof tapping me in my belly as I type this. :smile: My youngest will have just turned 2 when this baby comes.


I know a lot of women who suffer from infertility have been told by their doctor "If you'd just lose some weight . . ." and you don't want to hear it, but losing weight did improve my fertility each time and once I was finally at a healthy weight it seemed to get rid of my PCOS issues completely. Being pregnant this time is different for me because it's the first time I've worked out while expecting. I still go to my Zumba class 2-3 times a week, though I did stop lifting because I was just too dang exhausted to keep doing it at night after the kids went to bed.

Good luck to each of you on your journey. And a special prayer for those out there who want children so badly and haven't had that dream realized yet. :flowerforyou:


  • misfit7000
    misfit7000 Posts: 2 Member
    Great story :) congrats!
  • lucyinthesky2007
    lucyinthesky2007 Posts: 98 Member
    Thank you for this! Your story is very inspiring!
  • trishh143
    trishh143 Posts: 8 Member
    Reading this just gave me a little hope. Thank you for posting this!
  • kathers01
    kathers01 Posts: 164 Member
    amazing job!! and super cute kids :)
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    What an inspirational story. I also have PCOS and my husband and I are TTC. Minus the last three years, I had been thin my entire adult life and even though I had PCOS, it didn't really give me many issues. Hopefully getting this weight off will help with my fertility and help. Thanks again for sharing and congrats on baby #4
  • chile_chicken
    chile_chicken Posts: 32 Member
    What a wonderful story! I wish you all the best for your fourth pregnancy.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    You look stinking amazing! Congratulations on all four of your sweet little bundles!
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    Thank you for sharing and congratulations! You have done a wonderful job keep up the great work!
  • kori333
    kori333 Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks for all the congrats! And I'm glad that some of you can take hope from this.
  • kori333
    kori333 Posts: 174 Member
    Bumping for someone. :smile:
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    Thank you for your story. Very inspiring and congrats on all 4 of your bundles of joy! That is one reason why I started losing weight. My fiance & I tried for baby #2 for about 2 years with no luck. So I decided to get healthier and lose weight.
  • Runninginafatsuit
    Runninginafatsuit Posts: 78 Member
    Very inspiring!
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    Congratulations on all of you success, both losing weight, and having 3 wonderful children, with one on the way!
  • You have made my day with this! Thanks for the hope x
  • ct52577
    ct52577 Posts: 15 Member
    A real push for me to get to my goal. I have 3 and would love to have another.
  • loveadrianna217
    loveadrianna217 Posts: 18 Member
    This is exactly what I needed to hear! I am trying to conceieve about a year and a half now. Have had PCOS since age 15 when I was diagnosed. Have been on Clomid and last year had 5 failed IUI's. I usually don't ovulate without a trigger shot. In March we are switching to a new insurance and will be trying IVF which will be more advanced and hopefully will be the key for me to concieve since my PCOS is so bad. I would like to lose 60 lbs doing this diet with MFP. Hoping I can do it, and hoping that the fertility aspect will be a big motivator for me. I am excited about the almost 5 lbs lost since starting January 1. I would love to "friend" other people trying to conceive and lose weight on here. Thanks for your story! Dana in Newtown PA
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 628 Member
    Beautiful Story!!!! Loved this!!
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Having dealth with some IF issues myself, I would never, ever wish IF on anyone! I'm so glad that through your hard work you were able to get your fertility back where it should be (you look great, by the way!). I'm impressed that you're going for kid #4! I've got two, and while I have severe baby fever, I know that's all it is. BABY fever. Our life is actually perfect with two; there's just a part of me that really misses those newborn baby cuddles. Wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy!
  • yusineddy
    yusineddy Posts: 457 Member
    Congratulations on your success and on your pregnancy, you look lovely!
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