
I'm a new mother and can't seem to find time to lose belly or the weight. To make it worse the things I used to be able to do to lose weight aren't working and my mind is still set to that. Before pregnancy I was 115 pounds and I'm barely 5'1, I loved it and I really want to get back to that. Unfortunately when I'm this heavy or close to it I start to love food and can't stop. Last time when I got to be teeny tiny it took a few years to get to that because I've struggled with weight my whole life.......


  • Hello everybody ,
    health fitness is must for everybody.
    we should follow following points .
    1. drink lemon juice.
    2. brisk walk is must
    3. morning walk
    4. evening walk

    if we will follow above mention points , everybody can be physical fit.

    Take care
  • Hi-- belly fat (although from pregnancy) is also because of excess fat. Try to cut out unnecessary fats ( saturated fats/mayonnaise/butter etc.) and replace them with healthier alternatives (olive oil, vegetable oil, yogurt butter).

    Cutting bad fats and eating clean, (vegetables, whole grains, lean meats) is definitely key!

    Cardio 3-4 times a week as well as strength training 2-3 is a good combination to provide the results you're looking for!
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    You have to be the one to take the initiative! If you want to find success then do it. You can be your success or your failure, you choose.
  • Markus_7
    Markus_7 Posts: 165 Member
    great advice everyone. just start...walking, eating the previously mentioned foods, try to reduce sugar/carbs...drink water instead of soda/sugar-loaded drinks, and green tea is a fat-burner. a few baby steps can lead to big gains for you. don't give have lots of support on here- we're in your corner!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • GMorrisUK
    GMorrisUK Posts: 64 Member
    What everyone above says is true. Small steps. Even a small tweak (cutting out sugar, or no longer drinking sodas, or limiting bread to one slice a day - or even better replacing it with rice cakes or other low cal equivalents) can make a HUGE difference. Your body goes into an initial shock at something different - and then it stabilises.

    While I would not recommend it for long term - something like the Dukan DIet for 4 days will give you that kick start. Or even changing from how you eat now to going Paleo - gonna make a difference on the rate of weight loss.

    And then of course, exercise. Park further from the shops, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Just move more. We behind you all the way because we are all there or have all been there at some point.
  • Bethane2
    Bethane2 Posts: 4 Member
    Most of the time our uncontrollable urge to eat is brought on by our bodies seeking macro and micro nutrients. Try upping your protein levels, and adding in lots of fruit and veggies. Eliminating empty calories is also a good plan.
    Its hard as a new mom. You need a lot more energy just to keep up, than you might have previously. Trying to stick to a diet while you are sleep deprived, and than adding in exercise can be very difficult.
    Start by just taking care of yourself, try to get plenty of rest and focus on adding in good healthy real food.
  • Hello to you! My name is Rose. I understand your struggle. I am still struggling, but along with that I am also learning. I have been 278 lbs had a huge food addiction. Still working on that however doing much better. Now weigh 191. Not yet where I want to be but getting closer. I have learned that I did not get this way without consequences from my actions(in the past) although at times I still flub up. Overall doing alot better. Got on this website to help me be accountable, as well as to keep track of what I am doing on a daily basis. I am very surprised sometimes at what I find i have eaten. I have been a mindless eater as well, when I am bored, tired, angry, upset.... you name it. Working on ditching that too. If you would like a partner, add me. I am willing to listen to you and help encourage you, maybe we can tag team this FAT together! I have 56 Pounds left to go!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Hello everybody ,
    health fitness is must for everybody.
    we should follow following points .
    1. drink lemon juice.
    2. brisk walk is must
    3. morning walk
    4. evening walk

    if we will follow above mention points , everybody can be physical fit.

    Take care

    HOw does the Lemon juice help please. is it fresh squeezed? what type? need something else to drink other than water at times.
  • I'm still trying to figure out the best exercise program for myself, but if it's mental motivation that you are struggling with, then I have a couple of photos that I keep close by me at all times that serve as my motivation for my goal. For example, I have a photo of me a couple of years ago when I was lighter and feeling a lot healthier than I am now, and then a photo of my dream wedding dress that would look horrendous on me if I was to wear it now.

    I'm also building a solid support system that will also motivate me when things get tough. Even in my first couple of days of consistent posting on here, and getting into the community spirit a bit more, I have already noticed a difference in my mentality just because I can share my triumphs and struggles with people that are in similar situations to me.

    If you need some support, feel free to add me and we can help each other out. All the best for your goals :)