What's your healthy breakfast of choice & workout?



  • TOMEKA18
    TOMEKA18 Posts: 103 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I rarely eat breakfast but when I do, my favorite is sprouted grain pancakes with peanut butter and a little maple syrup. My workouts vary depending on my mood and the weather. Right now I'm doing Turbo Fire (following their workout calendar) and some calisthenics (mostly planks, pushups, squats and burpees). I do Turbo Fire as soon as I get home from work in the evenings. I do the calisthenics whenever I can find time.
  • bpmartyr
    bpmartyr Posts: 141
    No breakfast. 25-45 minutes fasted cardio in the AM. 45-60 minutes weight training fed state in the evening.
  • hickorycutie
    hickorycutie Posts: 210 Member
    2 buttermilk waffles with some syrup... my work out is 30-40 minutes of Zumba
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Breakfast is always 16 ounces of water, 4 egg whites, 1/3 cup of plain oatmeal, 12oz cup of coffee with 1 spenda and 3 teaspoons of powder creamer, Multi-vitamin, vitamin C and fish oil.

    Sometimes I will do fasted cardio at 4:30am and breakfast after and other times I will do my cardio after my workout.

    My workouts are always different. Sometimes I will do back and chest day 1 and arms the next and other times I will do back and bi's day 1 and chest and tri's day 2. Shoulders are usually a day all by themselves and so are legs but on rare occasion I will combine the two. I sometimes add an extra lower body day where I focus more on glutes. I rarely work abs but if I do, it is on one of my non-lifting days.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Coffee + whey before I train.

    For training, I lift. 5/3/1 on a 4 day schedule.

    Then I go home and eat.
  • mg234080
    I have green tea with a slice of whole grain bread around 5:30 a.m. Do a 30 min boot camp then when I get home, I have a gold standard whey protein shake made with water. Then about 9:00 a.m. I have an apple with 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese or a slice of whole grain bread with 1 tbsp of natural peanut butter. I take my vitamins with my 9:00 a.m. meal.
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    Do they still make pop tarts?

    I remember them "arriving" over here - I believe lots of idiots burned themselves on hot jam and then we stopped eating them because we realised they taste like sugared cardboard.

    omg, YES. http://www.poptarts.com/flavors

    They have far too much sugar for me to even consider them, but, yeah... huge.

    Edit to stay on topic: my breakfasts are turning out to be either my indulgent coffee + (Sausage McMuffin) or (Cream of Wheat packet) or (1 slice wholegrain toast with 2 T peanut butter). I don't seem to eat much else.

    Workout is not daily, but I usually can get to the gym 3x/week. I've been walking for up to 45", but tried the cardio circuit yesterday, and I think I may end up doing that. I had to get in decent enough shape to be brave and TRY the circuit :)
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    If it's a work day, I usually have an apple and greek yogurt (Fage 0%) with a dollop of some kind of organic jam.

    If it's a weekend and I'm up early, there's nothing better than poached eggs on wheat toast.

    I need to get back on the workout train :-(

    Oh, right! i forgot about the poached egg on toast with a scant teaspoon of butter. Makes me super-happy. Plus tea or coffee. Tea is WAY fewer calories for me :)
  • alimarie53
    alimarie53 Posts: 102 Member
    Egg whites and avocado on a flatout


    Greek yogurt with granola

    If I'm feeling really bad...then it's bacon something!