Atkins - need advice

Has anyone here tried it? What was your experience?

I am tempted to try it, though I am worried it’s not healthy. I have also heard that a lot of people plateau.


  • 1990sophia1990
    1990sophia1990 Posts: 225 Member
    Isn't it for losing weight? You look like you are at a perfect weight already I'm not sure doing the atkins would be a good idea but I'm already kind of against that diet plan for losing weight anyway...
  • enigmaneo
    enigmaneo Posts: 61 Member
    I think different people act differently to it. I create muscle very easily and with the increased protein I got from it and cutting out the carbs almost completely I lost weight very fast and gained a lot of muscle. I did it for about 2 years. I lost a lot of weight and became very muscular. Then I gave up and gained most of it back.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    You are thin, so you probably wouldn't benefit from losing any more weight, but it is a good way to eat: healthy vegetables, lean meats, healthy fat.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    what are your goals?

    what's the draw to the atkins diet?
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    If that's a current picture, you already look under weight. What is your purpose for switching to an Adkin's diet?
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I started with Induction after a short period of just giving up bread and realizing it was working.

    I don't do bars, shakes, ready meals, or anything like that. I'm not a product junkie. I did buy the Atkins book (the older version) and I read with great dismay and resignation that if you aren't exercising you aren't doing Atkins.

    Aside from that bad news and two miserably failed attempts to add carbs back into my diet that led to major hunger and binging and time wasted where I didn't lose weight, I'm very happy on what is pretty much Atkins extended induction. I stay in ketosis, I rarely crave, and my hunger is quite normal now.

    However, everyone is different and I also count calories using MFP, which technically I'm not supposed to have to do, but oh well.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'm sorry to sound so harsh, but if that picture is you, I think you're a little underweight and shouldn't be looking to lose MORE weight. I'm worried by what I see.
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    It is a current picture, and I am not underweight. I still would like to lose 5 pounds of fat, though maintain muscle.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    It is a current picture, and I am not underweight. I still would like to lose 5 pounds of fat, though maintain muscle.
    If you're looking to change your body composition, consider a strength program. Picking up heavy things is going to change that.
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    It is a current picture, and I am not underweight. I still would like to lose 5 pounds of fat, though maintain muscle.
    If you're looking to change your body composition, consider a strength program. Picking up heavy things is going to change that.

    I already do lift.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    I already do lift.
    are you following any particular program? If you're already lifting, lifting heavy, and doing it on a regular basis... you should see change over a period of time.

    You ARE pretty thin, so I'm not sure how long or how much change you're going to see. What's your BF% ? Maybe focus less on the number on the scale and more on your BF%.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 941 Member
    Has anyone here tried it? What was your experience?

    I am tempted to try it, though I am worried it’s not healthy. I have also heard that a lot of people plateau.
    Your before picture looked pretty great to me.
  • jules1202
    100% agree with this. Atkins won't help if your goal is to switch muscle for fat. You need to focus on a diet with more protien and healthy fat and more intensive muscle building exercises.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    It is a current picture, and I am not underweight. I still would like to lose 5 pounds of fat, though maintain muscle.

    It's your body and your choices, but if you were my daughter, I'd be worried. 5 lbs of fat on an already VERY thin frame is alarming to me. I have to ask: "WHERE is this supposed weight loss going to come from?"
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Has anyone here tried it? What was your experience?

    I am tempted to try it, though I am worried it’s not healthy. I have also heard that a lot of people plateau.
    Your before picture looked pretty great to me.

    I agree with this. Much healthier.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    You're - 5"11 and 18.5% body fat according to your profile. And you're still not happy with your body?
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    You're a beautiful girl, White Rose, and I would love to have the body you show in your before pictures. Atkins is a healthy way to eat, but whatever you choose, choose to eat healthy and exercise!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    You're - 5"11 and 18.5% body fat according to your profile. And you're still not happy with your body?

    I'm no doctor or nutritionist, but me thinks this goes beyond a simple weight issue. BUT, I was shocked to see that at my height, I "could" go as low as 128 lbs and still be considered 'in range" of healthy weight. I'm 5'10", and the idea of weighing 128 lbs ONLY is OUT OF THE QUESTION. I would look absolutely emaciated.
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    I do appreciate all your concerns, but I wasn’t asking “do you think I should go on Atkins” or “can you please judge me from my profile picture”

    I was asking for people who have tried Atkins to share their experience.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Atkins diet is a fraud. It works, but there are other ones out there that are MUCH healthier for you. Bottom line is ANY diet will work- it's the one that you can maintain for the long haul that will give you a lifetime of benefits.

    Try them all out, until you find the one that suits you perfect! Thats what I did. Trial and error.