I quit!! Just isn't worth the hard work!!



  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    Perhaps you should see a nutritionist. They may be able to determine how your body metabolizes food and put you on a successful track. Although numbers may not be doing what you would like (and we all know how we like those numbers to go down), you are likely in AMAZING physical shape. So from the interior of your body...I am sure it thinks your efforts are worth the hard work!!! blood pressure, cholesterol, flexibility, endurance, heart muscle, lung capacity.....it is worth it, but perhaps you need different help at this point.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Maybe you need to look at weight loss from a different angle. I've lost 53 lbs since October. www.myfoodlovers.com
  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    One thing to say here.....I chose kids over myself. But the role model I set for my girls was not one of being physically active and looking after my body and my health. I am in great health, regardless...but I regret not being a better role model for them pertaining to exercise. One is 21 and carrying 30 extra lbs. The other is 19 and all her weight goes to her hips. The younger one was doing Taekwondo...and as soon as school got too busy and she had to let it go....the weight increased. She now has 20-25 lbs to lose too. Girls these days NEED physical activity. Be that role model for them. It is all about balance. Try to incorporate them into your daily exercise. Play with them and introduce them to fun fitness activities that they can enjoy for life. make it part of their day...every day.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Remember one more thing, if you really wanted to quit, would you have posted your message or would have you terminated your account with MFP?
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i can empathize with how you are feeling! that is so frustrating and discouraging! i am finally in a place where i can lose 1 pound a month. ONE POUND A MONTH! that is only 12 pounds a year and i watch people on mpf lose that in their first month here. *jealous* and yet, i am happy with that because the year before that, i tried everything, nearly killed myself with exercise and lost nothing. NOTHING! i was working hard and had no results. it was so draining and i felt deprived and resentful. you really so need to go see your doctor and make sure you don't have insulin resistance, diabetes, a thyroid issue, etc. good luck sweetie! i am praying for you.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    See your doctor, something is wrong. Gotta be. Bless you,
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I keep coming back here hoping that you've come back and responded. Maybe you are done.

    I have to say that I am shocked by a few of the responses. They are very negative. We've all been there - no need to kick her while she's down.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Don't quit. You may be doing too much cardio, not eating enough protein, etc. When I was training for a half marathon I actually didn' t lose a lb in 4 months. It's a lot of running... When I stopped running so much is when the lbs started coming off. BUT, I did develop some nice muscle tone so I make sure to run 5-10 miles per week. I like how it defines my body. When I started eating back my exercise calories I noticed the scale moving. Your food log isn't public. You may just need a little tweak here and there to your exercise and food intake. I'd be happy to help you.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ok I haven't read all the posts, so sorry if I'm repeating something here but....My two cents in this is perhaps you should slow it down, try to incorporate health and exercise with your family.
    Example on weekends - cooking together favorite healthy meals , they don't have to be boring they can be fun like, create your own pizza using healthy veggies and low fat cheese on wheat crust or tacos with ground turkey and low fat cheese, low fat sour cream, etc.

    how bout family exercise like playing sports going to the park, anything that involves moving around.

    try to be creative and like someone else said, make LIFESTYLE changes so that they can fit easily into your life.

    take it a step at a time - too much at once is very difficult to keep up with. try eliminating one thing at a time and adding one thing at a time.......
    Example, Week 1 - no soda,
    Week 2 - no eating out
    week 3 - start cooking more meals at home

    go from there.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I'm not sure what quitting is, but I hope you don't go on an eating binge and hurt your body.

    I think one problem is the obsessive focus we all have on actual weight as being that which defines whether we are healthy or not. I'm sure you would lose weight if all you eat was lettuce nonstop everyday but you wouldn't be healthy, right? If you are suffering in some way then you should do what you can to reduce the suffering without hurting your body in turn.

    You weight loss might stall but your overall health should be improving. I know it's hard to measure that and that's why we use the scale as or indicator of health but sometimes the scale isn't effective. And if the new habits you've picked up at MFP haven't improved your health then I'd really be surprised.

    The whole calorie counting thing is a pain in the $%#, I'll admit that. I bought a scale to help me and I weigh everything but it's still a pain b/c so many things in MFP goes by volume rather than weight. Bought a HRM to see how many cals I'm burning, "doing everything right" by keeping cals below, etc., and still not losing weight. And somehow the cals in, cals out law that all this calorie counting is for... the idea that got you motivated to do all this tracking and logging, the rule that says that you should be down a pound this week, and down another next week, etc just isn't applying and you feel ripped off...

    and it's b/c of that dang scale! Why don't you test your health somehow? Get your % body fat tested, do some kind of fitness test and get some numbers written down, make a goal for yourself and make that the focus rather than your weight! I assure you it will help you along this journey much more.
  • JennCh
    JennCh Posts: 63
    I know exactly how you feel. Yesterday, after a year and two months of being committed to exercising and eating healthfully, I was in tears and ready to quit. This came after my husband insisted I take progress pics to compare to my pics from a year ago. When I saw that nothing, absolutely nothing was different, I was a very unhappy camper. I then got on the scale, which I hate more than anything else in this world, and found I have gained back 5 pounds of the 12 I had lost. I was devastated. I even told my husband I'm done. He's my biggest supporter and talked me through it, so where was I this morning? Biking then lifting weights to keep working towards the tri.

    I am in training for a sprint tri, so I've been running, swimming, and biking at least 5 days a week, expending anywhere from 300 to 600 calories a day. I am very careful about what I eat. Where am I going wrong? I don't have the answer, but I do know I am much fitter now than I was a year ago. I swam a fast 700 meters last night, after running the fastest mile I've ever posted yet and biking 20 minutes earler in the day. A year ago, there was no way I could have done any of this This morning we biked for 40 minutes in some wind, and while it was difficult, I wasn't huffing and puffing along the way. I was actually enjoying the challenge.

    Yes, I'm still stinging from the 5 pound gain and the lack of difference in my body shape, but I'll take the fitness I've gained. I'll keep trying cuz that's just who I am. I'd love for you to join me and just keep plugging away. We can encourage each other though there will be obstacles and disappointments.
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Well, I know how you feel. Somedays it doesn't feel worth it. But then I think back to January of 2008, when I was having knee surgery and was the heaviest I've ever been, and how miserable I was, and how I vowed to never take my healthy limbs and my body for granted again. I thought to myself how stupid I was for not taking advantage of my ability to exercise when I could! (I was on crutches for 6 weeks,rehab for 5 months after)

    I'm down 20something lbs since then. That was 2.3 years ago. I've had my ups and my downs. But overall...i'm DOWN in weight, and UP in happiness. I feel healthy and happy and even if the weight lost hasn't been fast, it still feels good to know that i've stuck with it.

    So, my advice. Take some time off. Focus on what you need to focus on. Don't let your eating go out of control, just maintain and get back to feeling happy with something. Then gradually start incorporating more exercise as you want. You WILL want it again! And you'll be very glad to not have to start at ground Zero when you do.

    Best of luck lady! :flowerforyou:
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    Oh....I am so sorry that you haven't seen more results. That is soooo frustrating. I really think you should get an appointment with your doctor...perhaps they will run some tests on you to determine if there is an underlying problem.
    Regardless, you should be very proud of the healthy lifestyle that you have had these last 8 months, that in itself is outstanding!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    I think one problem is the obsessive focus we all have on actual weight as being that which defines whether we are healthy or not. I'm sure you would lose weight if all you eat was lettuce nonstop everyday but you wouldn't be healthy, right? If you are suffering in some way then you should do what you can to reduce the suffering without hurting your body in turn.

    You weight loss might stall but your overall health should be improving. I know it's hard to measure that and that's why we use the scale as or indicator of health but sometimes the scale isn't effective. And if the new habits you've picked up at MFP haven't improved your health then I'd really be surprised.

    agree 100%

    I am sure if your numbers haven't changed your endurance and strength HAD to have improved during this time of training. after all if you are training for a marathon your body should be stronger, and you won't win a marathon by losing lbs on the scale but by your endurance and strength.

    think back to the first day of training....were you able to do half the things that you are able to do now?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. Yesterday, after a year and two months of being committed to exercising and eating healthfully, I was in tears and ready to quit. This came after my husband insisted I take progress pics to compare to my pics from a year ago. When I saw that nothing, absolutely nothing was different, I was a very unhappy camper. I then got on the scale, which I hate more than anything else in this world, and found I have gained back 5 pounds of the 12 I had lost. I was devastated. I even told my husband I'm done. He's my biggest supporter and talked me through it, so where was I this morning? Biking then lifting weights to keep working towards the tri.

    I am in training for a sprint tri, so I've been running, swimming, and biking at least 5 days a week, expending anywhere from 300 to 600 calories a day. I am very careful about what I eat. Where am I going wrong? I don't have the answer, but I do know I am much fitter now than I was a year ago. I swam a fast 700 meters last night, after running the fastest mile I've ever posted yet and biking 20 minutes earler in the day. A year ago, there was no way I could have done any of this This morning we biked for 40 minutes in some wind, and while it was difficult, I wasn't huffing and puffing along the way. I was actually enjoying the challenge.

    Yes, I'm still stinging from the 5 pound gain and the lack of difference in my body shape, but I'll take the fitness I've gained. I'll keep trying cuz that's just who I am. I'd love for you to join me and just keep plugging away. We can encourage each other though there will be obstacles and disappointments.

  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    To feel good again. Not to be embarrased when I go places with my husband/friends.

    My Inspirations
    So I don't get Diabetes like most of my family
    To live a long, healthy life
    To enjoy shopping and fashion again
    To have more energy

    Have any of these things changed? Taking weight completely out of the equation... do you feel better? Is what you've been doing going to prolong your life? Do you have more energy now than when you started? This isn't a sprint.... it's a marathon. And the prize is better health.
    My guess is that you've been looking at this too much as a "diet" - and not as a lifestyle change. Really and truly I think it's hard sometimes for us to really internalize what that means... I'm not choosing to eat better for a short period of time - I'm choosing to eat better for the rest of my life! Does that mean that I can never again enjoy fattening, rich foods? No... but I'll learn that those are a "treat".
    Maybe you have been pushing yourself too hard... take a step back and look at what you can do to make this more enjoyable. I don't "work out" - I play... I play with my son, I take a walk for mental tranquility. As a rule - I don't like to "work" - so I refuse to think of it as such. If you're not enjoying training for the 1/2 marathon - DON'T! But don't give up on yourself. YOU are worth all of the hard work that you are putting in. YOU are worth taking care of your health.
    I hope that you won't quit completely.
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    I have gotten a lot of emails sent to me and so I figured I needed to show some respect and respond and tell all of you Thank you..I am gonna quit for a little while tracking calories, etc..I'm training for a 1/2 marathon and it's in less than 6 weeks so no I don't plan to quit training and eating healthy..but I had to get off this bus for awhile..It's just is not driving me in the right direction right now..I feel like a failure when I have logged in everything, trained really hard that week and see no loss! I removed the scales from my house. I will not track my calories for now..just taking a break on that and focusing on my goal which is to run a 1/2 marathon...I appreciate so very much the love and support ya'll have shown me and I can't tell you what it meant! I will eat to be healthy and do the training I am scheduled to do..I will maybe come back to counting calories, when I done with this goal.. It just wasn't working for me..maybe too many irons in the fire? I had all of my previous bloodwork sent to a Endrocrinologist yesterday and I have an appt tomorrow with my regular doc to have more taken and sent before my appt with the Endro on March 24..So ya'll keep up the hard work and again Thanks!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    So you're gonna relax, train, forget the scale and take care of yourself. And your doc is going through some labs. Sounds great.

    Please check back in and keep us informed. :smile:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    So you're gonna relax, train, forget the scale and take care of yourself. And your doc is going through some labs. Sounds great.

    Please check back in and keep us informed. :smile:

    I agree. This doesn't sound like quitting at all. Good luck and we look foward to your return.

    Also, I just want to add that I trained hard for about a year before my first half marathon in Oct. 2009. It was a lot of work and I decided to stop counting calories during that time as well since I was burning alot by running. I also did not see any weightloss while I was training. But I did see improvements in my breathing and endurance. I also think my body shape changed a bit. I have to say I loved the race. It was so much fun and crossing that finish line was such an amazing accomplishment. I am more proud of that race than the weight I have lost. I can't wait for this year's race. Last year my mom entered it with me and this year my sister is doing it. My journey has become an inspiration for others and I am sure you are doing the same thing for your family and friends.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Good for you!! Keep up the good work you have done so far!!