Hi from the West Midlands (UK)

MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
Hi Everyone!

I have joined some time ago but never really introduced myself or been that serious about the whole thing. Now after Christmas I have really piled it on and feel like a bit of a bloater.

I want to loose about 14lbs to bring my weight to the region of 11st 10lbs. I am quite tall at 5'9" so I think that will be a good weight for me as I prefer to be toned (even slightly muscly) rather than skinny. I enjoy excercise and usually quite hardcore stuff like bootcamp and circuit training, last year I discovered the kettlebell and totally love it.

Foodwise I do try to eat healthy but I do have a sweet tooth, and I also love a bottle of red wine or three...

Apart from exercising I enjoy motorcycles, watching motorcycle racing etc. I ride a roadbike but dont race....