Yes I'm gonna be all the girls...



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Did you marry your first love? I am just really curious I wanna hear about it...How you met...etc etc hehehe yes we are going to girl gab but hey if you fella's have a story too come with it.

    Here is a brief summary of my life right now:

    When I was 18 I met Jon in boot camp, we dated briefly but eventually broke up over location (I know stupid) but I was going to Va and he was going to Japan. We lost touch, but everytime a new site came up ie facebook, myspace..I would just curiously look him up, never any luck I ended up marrying and having my son(only awesome thing that came out of it) I was going through divorce when I finally found him again but he was married so I kind of gave up....But still kept in touch...Well alot has happened since we first found each other again and with that being said we are finally dating almost 11 years after we first met. I am soooo happy and I only know that things are going to get better....Who says there is no such thing as fate.


    Awww, congrats to you! I hope it goes well!!!

    I married my high school sweetheart, first love. :heart: However, I'm less than 6 weeks away from finalizing my divorce from him, twelve years later. :laugh: C'est la vie!!! :smile: Life happens for a reason. Smile and go with it, am I right? :wink:
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I worked with a sweet country girl at Pizza Hut. I considered myself a savy city chick. She kept telling me her friend Ernie was coming down from TN and he and I were PERfect for each other. I didn't hold out much hope for a country bumpkin and I to have anything in common.

    The day comes when he and his bud are here and coming in to have pizza. I had joked with her that if he comes in with a hayseed in his mouth and overalls, her azz was grazz!!

    She is all excited and jumping up and down................tells me to come up front. I come around the corner and there is this dude with a mullet, overalls and a piece of grass hanging from his mouth:indifferent: I was not amused.

    She says " That aint ERNIE...............THAT is Ernie!!" Behind him was a tall, dark, handsome man:love::love:

    I won't say it was love at first sight, but we are celebrating 25 yrs this May.

    :drinker: Jeannie

    Congrats Scully on your new relationship. I pray you find true happiness!:heart:

    wow that is soo awesome! Thank you, isnt so new hehehe but we are completely in love and I have never felt like this before...
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Did you marry your first love? I am just really curious I wanna hear about it...How you met...etc etc hehehe yes we are going to girl gab but hey if you fella's have a story too come with it.

    Here is a brief summary of my life right now:

    When I was 18 I met Jon in boot camp, we dated briefly but eventually broke up over location (I know stupid) but I was going to Va and he was going to Japan. We lost touch, but everytime a new site came up ie facebook, myspace..I would just curiously look him up, never any luck I ended up marrying and having my son(only awesome thing that came out of it) I was going through divorce when I finally found him again but he was married so I kind of gave up....But still kept in touch...Well alot has happened since we first found each other again and with that being said we are finally dating almost 11 years after we first met. I am soooo happy and I only know that things are going to get better....Who says there is no such thing as fate.


    Awww, congrats to you! I hope it goes well!!!

    I married my high school sweetheart, first love. :heart: However, I'm less than 6 weeks away from finalizing my divorce from him, twelve years later. :laugh: C'est la vie!!! :smile: Life happens for a reason. Smile and go with it, am I right? :wink:

    Yes life does happen for a reason if it didn't...I wouldnt have my beautiful son and two future beautiful stepdaughters. sometimes things in life happen to give you hope and makes you appreciate what your given after you been through hell. good luck to you dear.
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Okay, so mine is a little strange..but then most things about me are!

    So, I was married, he was married & I worked for him. We were just really great friends - I promise (most people don't believe that part, but I have no reason to lie). There definitely was a connection, but it was never even discussed. We spent a lot of time together because of our jobs. I ended up quitting because my (now ex) husband was jealous over the money I made & the independance that the job gave me (yeah, it was a screwed up relationship). Fast forward 4 years...I'm working at another (my current) job & he walks in. Come to find out, he's been divorced a couple of years (so am I) and he called my step-dad to find out where I was...

    He asked me out, but I turned him down. :noway:
    Him: Dinner? Me:NO. :noway:
    Him: Drinks? Me: NO. :noway:
    Him: Why Not? Me: You were my boss! :noway:
    Him: SO! Me: So, you were my boss! :noway:
    Him: SO? How about lunch? Lunch - what can happen at lunch?

    I can fall in love.:love:
    ............................ I said yes to lunch. :heart:
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I met Kenny one month after I broke up with my boyfriend of 6 years! I worked at a bank and he had just hired in. On his second day, after some serious flirting, I told him he could take me to the movies that weekend if he wanted. He called, we went out and then hung out a lot over the next few months. I wasn't convinced that he was the one for me so I kept seeing him while still going on dates with others. He told me to date as many guys as I needed to because he knew I would come back to him someday! I thought he was a cocky jerk when he said that...boy was I wrong.

    He fixed my car in the freezing rain in a business suit, he brought me a mug of coffee to work each day and picked up something for me on his lunch break, on Valentine's day he brought me a bouquet of wild flowers even though I had refused to have a date with him that night and went to the gym instead. He was one patient guy!

    After not being so nice to him and making him wait around for months I realized I did like him, a lot. We went to dinner and he told me he was going to go live with his brother in SC for a while. I realized it was now or never and told him how much I liked him and didn't want him to go. He decided to hang around for a little while longer.

    It's now 6 years later! We have a beautiful son, 2 great dogs and are about to move into our 5th house together in 5 years! Yes we've had ups and downs just like any other couple would but I'm confident that if we've made it this far we can go all the way!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I met Kenny one month after I broke up with my boyfriend of 6 years! I worked at a bank and he had just hired in. On his second day, after some serious flirting, I told him he could take me to the movies that weekend if he wanted. He called, we went out and then hung out a lot over the next few months. I wasn't convinced that he was the one for me so I kept seeing him while still going on dates with others. He told me to date as many guys as I needed to because he knew I would come back to him someday! I thought he was a cocky jerk when he said that...boy was I wrong.

    He fixed my car in the freezing rain in a business suit, he brought me a mug of coffee to work each day and picked up something for me on his lunch break, on Valentine's day he brought me a bouquet of wild flowers even though I had refused to have a date with him that night and went to the gym instead. He was one patient guy!

    After not being so nice to him and making him wait around for months I realized I did like him, a lot. We went to dinner and he told me he was going to go live with his brother in SC for a while. I realized it was now or never and told him how much I liked him and didn't want him to go. He decided to hang around for a little while longer.

    It's now 6 years later! We have a beautiful son, 2 great dogs and are about to move into our 5th house together in 5 years! Yes we've had ups and downs just like any other couple would but I'm confident that if we've made it this far we can go all the way!

    aww... sometimes you dont know what you have til it might be gone great story
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    My husband is 19 years older than me. I was a secretary and he was an options trader at the place where I worked. All of us secretaries were curious about him, he strolled around so confident and had such a swagger. We all decided he must be about 33-35 years old (he was 42). I got up my nerve one day and told him, my birthday is coming next week, what are you gonna get me? And without sipping a beat, he smiled a devil smile and said, "How 'bout me wrapped up in cellophane?" I was so flustered and embarrassed. On our first date ever he took me to an outrageously fancy restaurant, and told me... I have 5 kids....are you scared yet? I told him No.

    That was 11 1/2 years ago.

    He's still that confident swaggering joke-telling fellow that makes me melt :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Okay, so mine is a little strange..but then most things about me are!

    So, I was married, he was married & I worked for him. We were just really great friends - I promise (most people don't believe that part, but I have no reason to lie). There definitely was a connection, but it was never even discussed. We spent a lot of time together because of our jobs. I ended up quitting because my (now ex) husband was jealous over the money I made & the independance that the job gave me (yeah, it was a screwed up relationship). Fast forward 4 years...I'm working at another (my current) job & he walks in. Come to find out, he's been divorced a couple of years (so am I) and he called my step-dad to find out where I was...

    He asked me out, but I turned him down. :noway:
    Him: Dinner? Me:NO. :noway:
    Him: Drinks? Me: NO. :noway:
    Him: Why Not? Me: You were my boss! :noway:
    Him: SO! Me: So, you were my boss! :noway:
    Him: SO? How about lunch? Lunch - what can happen at lunch?

    I can fall in love.:love:
    ............................ I said yes to lunch. :heart:

  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    My husband is 19 years older than me. I was a secretary and he was an options trader at the place where I worked. All of us secretaries were curious about him, he strolled around so confident and had such a swagger. We all decided he must be about 33-35 years old (he was 42). I got up my nerve one day and told him, my birthday is coming next week, what are you gonna get me? And without sipping a beat, he smiled a devil smile and said, "How 'bout me wrapped up in cellophane?" I was so flustered and embarrassed. On our first date ever he took me to an outrageously fancy restaurant, and told me... I have 5 kids....are you scared yet? I told him No.

    That was 11 1/2 years ago.

    He's still that confident swaggering joke-telling fellow that makes me melt :heart: :heart: :heart:

    <3 sooo cute!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I am soooooo loving the stories Thanks to everyone who has shared!!
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    I never really had any serious relationships before I met my hubby at 18 (he was 24), we met at a mutual friend's New Year's Eve party! We hit it off straight away and began dating almost immediately (erm the next day :laugh: ) , he proposed to me 6 weeks later and 5 years later we are very happily married and still very much in love, we will celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary in July! :heart: We have no children atm, but are trying, one of the few reasons why I am on here! :happy:

    Edited cos of typos, doh :indifferent:

    :flowerforyou: sending you some baby dust!!!

    Aw thanks :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I married my husband 10 years and one day after we met. He is my third husband and the third really was the charm. I was married for 10 years the first time, and with my second husband fro 11 years. I figured if I waited this one would work. When I met him my second husband told me that I had just met my soul mate, (he really knew me well - we just weren't meant to be married) and he was right. We had the most romantic wedding in Sedona (our first overnight date was in Sedona in 1999) I am so so so happy. He is my best friend and I know that we will grow old together.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I wanted to piggy back off of this post that I posted a couple of months ago and say that I am the Future Mrs. Morgan!!!! I got engaged over the weekend! YAY
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I wanted to piggy back off of this post that I posted a couple of months ago and say that I am the Future Mrs. Morgan!!!! I got engaged over the weekend! YAY

    OMG!! WOOT WOOT......dances around the room.................That is so fantastic Skully!! So happy for you!!!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I wanted to piggy back off of this post that I posted a couple of months ago and say that I am the Future Mrs. Morgan!!!! I got engaged over the weekend! YAY

    CONGRATULATIONS:love::heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!! Its a dream come true!!