I'm new...Help on low cal foods

Hi I'm new to this site & would really like help on food ideas as when it comes to my dinner time u seem to be on very little calories to use. Any ideas on different meals & hints & tips would be greatly appreciated thank you x


  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    well.. what you have to do is look at your calorie alotment and figure out where you want to spend you calories.

    i have 1500.

    breakfast. 300 and under
    egg white, with meat and veggies, oatmeal with nuts and fruit, yogurt with granola, waffle with teeny bit of peanut butter and fruit

    snack 200 or under
    fruit and yogurt or just fruit, veggies with dip, cracker/pretzels with bit of hummus or peanute butter,

    lunch 400 or under
    soup and salad, salad and sandwhich, leftovers, brown rice and bean, tuna

    same as above

    dinner 400
    just make sure you plate is mostly veggies

    also if one snack is 200 i try make other snack less. Somes I dont need the other snack. also if I know my dinner is going to be calories. obviously I trim as much a possible.

    Planning is key. I usually know what I having for breakfast, snack and lunch the week. Dinner is another story.

    Also if you workout. You can eat either... all, some or none of the calories back. You kinda have to play around with it.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Check out Skinnytaste.com
  • FLBachatera
    Veggies, Veggies, Veggies!!! I love them. They help round out my meals. I tend to use them in everything now. From bell peppers (color, crunch and Vit. C) to butternut squash to spinach and broccoli. They add fiber to help you feel full!!

    Feel free to add me so you can see what I'm eating! I only get 1200 calories a day, so it's not always easy and I go over here and there, and I have my cheat days but I'm still chugging along.
  • elothen
    elothen Posts: 155 Member
    Be stringent about measuring your portions for dinner and you might be surprised. Like for dinner last night I indulged with some mashed potatoes. I looked at the package and calculated that I could have 1/2 cup for the amount of calories and other stuff (really not much good in pre-packaged mashed potatoes) and thought, geez that's barely gonna be any. Well once it got on my plate I realized, hey that's plenty! It ended up being a perfect amount to balance out my plate. Prior to starting this I'd easily eat 4-5 times that much and just feel horrible afterward, but they were yummy!

    So the morale here is measure, and you'll probably be surprised!
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Check out Skinnytaste.com

    i heart skinnytaste!