Greetings from Seoul!

kaocottontail Posts: 6
edited January 9 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! ^^

So, how should I start this?

I can't really say that I'm new to MFP. I've been touch and go with this site for maybe...just over a year now? I can't honestly recall. However, this is the first time I've made a real effort to use it.

A bit about myself~ I moved to Seoul, South Korea from California about 2 years ago. My first year here, I lost 20lbs without even trying. Change of diet, having to rely on public transit and my own two feet for the first time in my life and simply being busier than I've ever been before all contributed to the weight loss, I'm sure. My second year here, however, I gained some of that back, especially with the holidays and all so I'm looking to lose the 10 lbs I packed back on along with about 30-40 more before I visit home again.

I have to say that your weight in Korea is a much bigger deal than it is back home. People are not afraid or ashamed to tell you if they think you've gained or lost weight the instant they notice. It's not really considered insensitive here for the most part especially among older people, and it can be kind of tiring at times even if someone is only showing concern for your well being.

Anyway, down to business! I'm here to lose even more weight than before! My ticker shows my initial weight loss upon moving to Korea. I was weighed a week after I got here at 90 kilos (about 198 lbs) and was at 86 kilos (about 189 lbs) right after Christmas (I was 82 kilos this time last year! What happened! ;_;). My goal isn't really in lbs/kilos but in size...right now I'm about a Korean pant size 31, UK size 42 or a US size 12/14 so I'd like to get down to a Korean 27/28 or a US size 8/10. I've been on my current diet for 2 weeks now and will do a weigh in on Friday when I got to yoga. I will say that I've been taking in about 1400 calories a day instead of the 1200 suggested, but that's mostly because I drink at least one sugary coffee a day. I feel that I need to ease into my weight loss plan in order to succeed. I've already cut out all other sugar, bread, rice and pasta on top of doing the obsessive calorie counting thing. I've been drinking a lot more tea than coffee these days, but I need that one cup a day! I need to switch to a black cup-o-joe every morning instead, but I felt like if I took that treat away from myself, I would give up entirely. One step at a time~ Come Monday it'll be nothing but Americanos for me~ I also plan on starting the 30 Day Shred or something similar this weekend, so I'm hoping the added effort will pay off in the long run.

Anyway, sorry for the long winded intro! ^^; It's nice to finally meet you all~


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