New Rules for Women

Hey all.. so yesterday I decided to do my first bout of exercise from the New Rules of Lifting for Women book. Thing is...I'm not even sure if I was doing it right. In all honesty, the book confused the hell out of me and it wasn't until I grabbed myself a nice spreadsheet that I began to fully understand. Anyway... I don't think i'm doing it right! The whole thing just felt so quick. I know I need to challenge myself more because I didn't really feel "worked out". Here's what I did:

Squat w\ 12 lb body bar - 15 reps
Push ups on 30 degree angle - 15 reps
Seated Row w/ 27.5 lbs - 15 reps
Step up w/ 12 lb dumbbell on low step - 15 reps
Prone Jack knife - 8 reps

Squat w 15 lb body bar - 15 reps
Push ups on 30 degree angle - 15 reps
Seated Row w/ 40 lbs - 15 reps
Step up w/ 15 lb dumbbell on low step - 15 reps
Prone Jack Knife - 8 reps

So anyway ... I think thats Stage 1 workout A.. It said 2 sets of everything so I ran through it once and then again. Should I do my two sets all in one shot?? Also..Would I see better results if on my off days I did some cardio whether it be taking a long, long walk, jogging, or some kind of DVD workout? Thanks. I'm confused.


  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    There is a NROL4W MFP Group:

    And you got close, but not quite. You don't "run through" the whole program twice. You do a set (example, 15 squats), rest for the set amount of time (60 seconds, for this workout) then do another set (15 squats).

    Also, I believe that for Stage One, at the end of each workout you have an AMRAP run through. So, 60 seconds of squats, then 60 seconds of pushups, etc.

    It could also be that the weight you are using is too light. I don't have my chart in front of me, but when I did Workout 1A (so, it was the first time I did the Stage 1 workout that involved squats), and I believe my numbers were

    Squat: 45lb bar + 40lbs of weights
    Pushups: Knee
    Seated Row: Used the "bending row lift thing" substitution, with a 70lb bar
    Step up: 15lbs

    You should try increasing your weight significantly if you aren't tired. It's called "lifting heavy" for a reason!
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    Yeah, I definitely plan on increasing the weight by a lot! I was just testing the waters this time around. Thanks for the tips!