Dealing with a FOOD hostile work environment



  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    I feel your pain! At my office, we literally tell new hires to expect to gain the TEK 20! Leftover lunch food from training is brought up to my floor everyday, there are always sweets, treats and anything else you can imagine that would derail my daily calories.

    I just have to resist the urge, or compromise. Our company just got a pretty prestiguous award, so they gave everyone a cupcake, i checked the calories first, and only ate half, ensuring I didnt break the calorie bank!

    It sucks, not only having to sit all day, but with the added temptation it almost becomes torture....I understand! Keep doing what you do, you look great!

  • sometimes i feel the same...especially due to the medecine i take (corticotherapy) which make u really really hungry and its sometimes really hard to ''not eat''... but i try to say to my self that when i will lose all the weight i have to lose, i will be able to eat again whatever i want (with moderation :) )... as long as its not forever :)
    my dietetician said to me once : '' we are in a rich country and we have all the food we need and much more... if u dont eat EVERYTHING today, u can eat it wont disappear'' i think she is right...
    im sure that when u will acheive ur goal u will be able to eat again whatever u want... focus on that and im sure it will be ok
    Courage (thats how we say in french) and sorry for my english, im french but im trying to speak english (Write) as much as i can
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    88 pounds lost... obviously you've done well thus far! Keep it up. I like your point that most of the people in your office are severely overweight... you're not jealous of how they look and feel, so no need to be jealous about the poison they shovel into their bodies. That said, a treat every now and then isn't a problem. Every day is! (Total science experiment right in your office... you cheat once a week and they eat crap every day... who looks and feels better? YOU!)

    Keep up the great work! I am sure it is frustrating to have constant temptation but your success is a testament to your willpower.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    I have delt with this the last 3 years of my weight loss journey. I would say 4 out of 5 days a week they order lunch in. We are allowed to eat at our desk so I have delish smelling food all around me almost every day. I am hard core when It comes to will power and only eat give in maybe 4 times a year and have some. There also always food brought in in the breakroom, carry ins etc…. I am literally the only person that watches what I eat. I have 2 other girls on the other side of the building that are supportive but NO one in my office. In fact they give me a hard time for being so strict. My “cheat” days are on Friday’s when I go out to eat with my husband so I’m not wasting calories on every day junk at work but sometimes it is Sooooooo hard. Even though I know I am healthier and look and feel way better I am actually JEALOUS of them!! I want to eat pizza hut, mcdonalds, cookie and donuts all day long!! I just need know if anyone else suffers thru this. How do you keep your motivation to stay away and how do you break these feeling of anger toward them lol?

    I see 88 lbs lost on your ticker.
    If anyone else has a problem with your dietary choices they can eat this big calorie dense duck. And when I say duck I don't really mean duck.

    (1)How many people have lost 88lbs in your office and (2)how many need to lose 88lbs. I'm guessing the answers are:

    1) Almost none.
    2) Quite a few.

    You stick to your plan and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.

    Bahaha...that duck part was superb! Really that answer is right on!
  • glitterjam
    glitterjam Posts: 145 Member
    I have similar issues also. In the beginning I would start to feel a wee bit resentful, seeing everyone else having fun fast food for lunch, etc. Not a care in the world... Then I started telling myself, "I DESERVE BETTER. MY BODY DESERVES BETTER THAN THAT."

    And now I feel kinda high and mighty about it. It actually gives me a boost when they order in pizza, take-out or whatever. Because it's one more time that I show myself how STRONG I am. I am solid as a rock!
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    I have delt with this the last 3 years of my weight loss journey. I would say 4 out of 5 days a week they order lunch in. We are allowed to eat at our desk so I have delish smelling food all around me almost every day. I am hard core when It comes to will power and only eat give in maybe 4 times a year and have some. There also always food brought in in the breakroom, carry ins etc…. I am literally the only person that watches what I eat. I have 2 other girls on the other side of the building that are supportive but NO one in my office. In fact they give me a hard time for being so strict. My “cheat” days are on Friday’s when I go out to eat with my husband so I’m not wasting calories on every day junk at work but sometimes it is Sooooooo hard. Even though I know I am healthier and look and feel way better I am actually JEALOUS of them!! I want to eat pizza hut, mcdonalds, cookie and donuts all day long!! I just need know if anyone else suffers thru this. How do you keep your motivation to stay away and how do you break these feeling of anger toward them lol?

    I see 88 lbs lost on your ticker.
    If anyone else has a problem with your dietary choices they can eat this big calorie dense duck. And when I say duck I don't really mean duck.

    (1)How many people have lost 88lbs in your office and (2)how many need to lose 88lbs. I'm guessing the answers are:

    1) Almost none.
    2) Quite a few.

    You stick to your plan and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.

    This right here
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Most of the struggle when it comes to weight loss is probably more mental than physical. You have to be mentally strong and not allow these people to tear down your nice house of cards you worked so hard to build. We are always having birthday cake, Tex Mex and other crap brought into the office on a regular basis and I simply smile and say no thanks. People take offense but I can't be concerned about their feelings and the same goes for you. Your long term health supercedes anyone's feelings or any desires for foods that are extremely high in calories and in fat content. You have a "cheat" day with your husband, I say stick with that.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    It's hard, but you're doing great!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I also work in an office where food is brought in often. I have a sure fire way to help avoid it and resist it!! I pretend the food has been sneezed and coughed on. If that doesn't work, I'll glance at the food and convince myself I "saw"a bug or worm. Works every time.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    I've dealt with people like that. You just have to stay positive when speaking to them and let them know that you're not missing out on anything. Kind of laugh in their face about it, you know? Not in a cruel way, but let them know it's not a big deal.

    Maybe bring some of your own delicious food into work so everyone can be like, "Ooooh, that smells good! What is that?" Also bring a dish in to share with the other people in your office.
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    (1)How many people have lost 88lbs in your office and (2)how many need to lose 88lbs. I'm guessing the answers are:

    1) Almost none.
    2) Quite a few.

    Amen to that. I have learned to make really delicious meals at home [America's Test Kitchen cookbooks FTW!] and always, ALWAYS bring my leftovers from dinner for lunch the next day. Honestly, I know that what I'm eating is so much tastier than the junk everyone else is consuming. And as someone else said [even though this sounds judgmental and bad], when I am craving the junk, I look at the people who are eating it constantly. They are obese [some are morbidly obese] and I do not want to end up like that.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    88 Lbs lost...nuff said!
  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    I've struggled with the crap people bring to work. It sounds silly, but I had to conquer the temptation. I decided, instead of partaking, I would grab a handful and slam dunk it in the trash can. M&M's, nuts, candy, you name it. You should try it! It feels awesomely liberating! Wasteful? Yes, but it's better than wasting your life! (and if you get caught, some people get pissed. but then they start keeping that crap in their own office and not in the public spaces, I find.)
  • jnlynn
    jnlynn Posts: 101
    I have delt with this the last 3 years of my weight loss journey. I would say 4 out of 5 days a week they order lunch in. We are allowed to eat at our desk so I have delish smelling food all around me almost every day. I am hard core when It comes to will power and only eat give in maybe 4 times a year and have some. There also always food brought in in the breakroom, carry ins etc…. I am literally the only person that watches what I eat. I have 2 other girls on the other side of the building that are supportive but NO one in my office. In fact they give me a hard time for being so strict. My “cheat” days are on Friday’s when I go out to eat with my husband so I’m not wasting calories on every day junk at work but sometimes it is Sooooooo hard. Even though I know I am healthier and look and feel way better I am actually JEALOUS of them!! I want to eat pizza hut, mcdonalds, cookie and donuts all day long!! I just need know if anyone else suffers thru this. How do you keep your motivation to stay away and how do you break these feeling of anger toward them lol?

    I see 88 lbs lost on your ticker.
    If anyone else has a problem with your dietary choices they can eat this big calorie dense duck. And when I say duck I don't really mean duck.

    (1)How many people have lost 88lbs in your office and (2)how many need to lose 88lbs. I'm guessing the answers are:

    1) Almost none.
    2) Quite a few.

    You stick to your plan and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.

  • fusion777
    fusion777 Posts: 197
    88lbs lost!! Great job!! I'm sorry you have to deal with them and good for you for being so strong saying no as much as you do. I know from experience that those breadsticks and pizza no longer taste as good as I thought they did (well, maybe some do but most don't!). I'm the same as you, I'd rather save my extra calories to indulge with my husband, not the peer pressure of my coworkers.

    You've come so far, keep doing what you are doing!! I admire you for all you have already accomplished, great job!
  • iryshjones
    iryshjones Posts: 79 Member
    I hear ya!! I work shifts and a lot of night shifts people want to order in food. I am just glad I enjoy what i bring for lunches. There are 2 girls on my shift who like to bake and are always bringing things in - nice little competition. it was sticky buns and brownies the other day. Some days are just tough. But you are doing great - keep on doing it - eventually they will start thinking you are an inspiration like we do :)
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    We have exactly the same in our office - people bring in sweets, biscuits, cakes, treats, donoughts, ice-creams (in the summer!) everyday to celebrate birthdays, work anniversaries, babies being born, babies just conceived :) seriously! Or even if the table of treats is just empty!

    I rarely stop by but its really hard as its in the centre of the office by the print shop. What is annoying is that I'm the only one in the office that needs to lose weight!