Working out with Wii



  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    My 15 yr old is getting a second guitar for Wii GH3 for easter so we will be able to play two player altho he is expert and I'm bad but at least I'll be away from the fridge!!

    Yes.....the face off mode is fun! You can actually set yours to easy while he plays expert...LOL, my 8 year old plays against me on expert while I'm just now learning hard mode. We also have a Wi-Fi so that you can play strangers as well.
    Rock on fellow gamers!!:bigsmile:
  • robotabot
    SoupNazi - Is guitar hero any good I read that there was a problem its supposed to be is stereo and it is only mono. Was going to get it for my son (despite the age rating) but he would be playing on a top of the range calibrated home cinema with spectacular surround sound and I was worried in that enviroment it would sound rubbish (probably fine for our tv at home) but my son takes his games when he sleeps at his nana and grandad as they have a full large cinema screen and the characters are bigger than him plus he has no little sisters bugging him when he is there.

    Is the sound problem noticeable I am hoping that nintendo have fixed it but not read any up to date reviews of this game lately (we were looking at Xmas).
    guitar hero is great. i've had it since the day it came out months ago and the novelty still hasn't worn off!
    the sound is fine, it's true that somebody screwed up and it accidentally came out in mono, but they have already sent out cardboard envelopes for anyone who signed up to send in their disc to activision and be replaced with a version that supports stereo sound. so i would imagine that the versions being sold in the store now are stereo, if not then you can sign up on activision's site to get the envelope and get the replacement disc.
    I would think though eventually your arm gets used to it.
    no... you just eventually realize that how hard you swing isn't at all factored into the game. it's all angle and timing. :) i was swinging so hard in tennis when i first got it b/c i thought it would make the ball go faster. it doesn't :(
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    I started doing everything left handed to improve the strength and dexterity in my left hand. The akwardness of boxing left handed makes me sweat even more.