When do you eat the most of your calories?

I'm trying to lose the post-wedding weight I put on over the past year (ugh) and I've been really good about tracking my calories so far since January 1 - seeing moderate results, woohoo!

One thing I've noticed is that I eat a smaller breakfast and lunch (300 calories, give or take) and then eat the most calories in one sitting at dinner (500-600). Does anything have advice on perhaps reversing this? I'm thinking I should try to eat more calories at lunch, it's just so hard because I like to eat the same thing as my husband for dinner!


  • The majority of my calories come at dinner time too. But that seems reasonable for me, because those calories have to last me the greatest number of hours. Since I won't be eating again till the next day.

    So long as your entire days worth of calories aren't exceeding your daily goal, you should be fine.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Eat whenever you want to eat. As long as you are under your calories for the day, it doesn't matter when you eat them. I graze on little stuff during the day then plow down 1000+ calories in the hour or 2 before I go to sleep. That's when I'm hungry, that's when I eat.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I eat most of my calories at dinner. It's best for me.
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    Eat whenever you want to eat. As long as you are under your calories for the day, it doesn't matter when you eat them. I graze on little stuff during the day then plow down 1000+ calories in the hour or 2 before I go to sleep. That's when I'm hungry, that's when I eat.

    This is my official stance on this issue BUT if, for whatever reason, you would like to consume most of your calories earlier in the day, I would recommend you try to eat dinner roughly three to four hours before you fall asleep (Assuming you're going to get 7-9 hours; if not, adjust accordingly) so that you wake up really hungry. I started to train myself to do this not because I believe that the time we take in calories affects weight loss in any way (it doesn't) but because I find myself better able to perform as a human being in general when I've had a solid breakfast. Also, I'm one of those people for whom morning workouts fit my lifestyle best, so it's critical that I have a good breakfast to fuel me. Hope this helps and good luck in general!
  • kazb0t
    kazb0t Posts: 33 Member
    I do the same, I work early in the morning (wake @ 4am, work @ 5am) so if I don't make sure to have an ample filling dinner, I wake up STARVING and annoyed until breakfast, which is usually no earlier than 8am.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I'm trying to lose the post-wedding weight I put on over the past year (ugh) and I've been really good about tracking my calories so far since January 1 - seeing moderate results, woohoo!

    One thing I've noticed is that I eat a smaller breakfast and lunch (300 calories, give or take) and then eat the most calories in one sitting at dinner (500-600). Does anything have advice on perhaps reversing this? I'm thinking I should try to eat more calories at lunch, it's just so hard because I like to eat the same thing as my husband for dinner!

    You can still eat the same thing as your husband but a smaller serving, generally a female needs to do that anyway unless they have a much more physical lifestyle. Having said that what you are doing is fine if you are not suffering cravings or extra snack attacks, are feeling energetic through the day and not 'hitting the wall' during workouts. I do think nutrient timing is a useful concept but there is no one-size-fits-all approach because we just don't all have the same lifestyle and patterns of energy.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    I prefer to leave my dinner open as I like to eat hearty ethnic cuisine.It's easier for me to eat the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch. Also, I can eat dinner leisurely and enjoy is so why have a big breakfast if I have to suck it down in 10 minutes?

    When I was pregnant, I liked to eat a big lunch!