diastasis Recti friendly exercises


does anyone have any good links with pics or videos of exercises a person can do to help close up diastasis recti and somthing that I can do to help tone up the stomach area with out making it worse. I have a decent split I have got it down from about 10 fingers to about 8 using the Tupler Techinique and splint. but I still feel like all I do at the gym is legs and arms and that everything for the stomache is all stuff that will make it worse. I have heard alot of people says just google exercises for diatastis recti or transverse abdominal exercises and you should find tons of free exercises, but I am not having luck I either find articles about what it is, or surgery but not anything that show visuals of exercises, proper form as the last thing I want to do it make it worse. Getting a trainer is not in my budget, nor does it fit into my work out schedule so I need the pics or videos so I can intergrate the exercises properly.

I am getting such great muscle strength on my legs and arms and my stomach and back area are still so not tone and still look like I am about 5 months pregnant cause of the D.R. split. thanks :(