Daily Calorie Goals- Seriously?

I've read and heard SO much on here and elsewhere about how eating too significantly under TDEE is detrimental to healthy weight loss. MPF gives me a calorie goal of 1710 right now. I've read on other sites calculating BMR and TDEE that I should be eating closer to 1900-2000 calories or even more on exercise days. I'm afraid of the whole losing too much too fast deal leaving me with excess skin and not enough muscle definition, and of course I don't want to slow my metabolism. To give some background, I started MFP at 270 (at least, that's a very close guess, give or take 3-4 lbs) and I'm now down to 250.5 since Christmas. I'm 5'7 1/2. My goal weight (for now) is 160. I have been sticking to my calorie goals and doing cardio around 20-30 mins 5 days a week, mostly with an elliptical machine. I do plan to add strength training when I can afford the equipment or a gym membership and also want to start pilates. All that being said, I don't feel like I'm doing anything extreme. Yes, I'm eating a lot less than I was but I rarely feel hungry when I stay under my calories by just a little (less than 100). Sometimes I eat back exercise cals and sometimes I don't, because that's what I have read that other people do and that your body can get all the nutrition it needs without eating them back. So am I really okay if I stay under MFP's recommended daily calories, or am I really hurting myself and slowing my metabolism or making my body eat muscle? Help.


  • GetHotIn2014
    GetHotIn2014 Posts: 201 Member
    Oh, and another thing I have to add. I recently was reading the Mayo Clinic Diet book and it actually recommended that for my weight range I should be eating 1400 cals. That seems way too low to me, but the Mayo Clinic is pretty legit. So I don't see how eating my MPF calories could be too little.
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    If you're netting a number of calories between your BMR and your TDEE after calculating what you've burned each day, you'll lose weight. Some muscle loss is likely when losing a significant amount of weight, especially if you're not doing any strength training.

    If you want to do some strength training for free (which is what I did for a year before I got a gym membership), there are lots of exercises you can do using just your body weight.

  • Mrc1974
    Mrc1974 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there

    I came across your post as I was uncertain how MFP creates the daily calorie allowance, I am assuming by your weight, height age and the amount you want to lose.

    I think the key is not letting your body go into starvation mode and therefore start metabolizing muscle, being a 100 cal short of your daily allowance I don't think is a huge thing, if you were constantly eating half of your daily allowance I think that would be time for concern.

    I have read and read about excess skin and one of the main things is apparently weight training, so you build muscle. I am thinking of purchasing some resistant bands so that I can use them at home, OK not the same as weight training, but it is a good muscle work out. I think I am going to have to get myself to the gym and do weight training, especially if it will help the fight against loose skin, every little helps, right?!? :wink:
  • GetHotIn2014
    GetHotIn2014 Posts: 201 Member
    I have read and read about excess skin and one of the main things is apparently weight training, so you build muscle. I am thinking of purchasing some resistant bands so that I can use them at home, OK not the same as weight training, but it is a good muscle work out. I think I am going to have to get myself to the gym and do weight training, especially if it will help the fight against loose skin, every little helps, right?!? :wink:

    Right. lol I have also read that drinking enough water and slathering on good moisturizing lotion helps too. So does getting massages. ;)
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    You seem fine honestly. I am pretty sure 1700 is above your BMR.

    Just be sure to get adequate protein.

    Additionally, do strength training at home if you can't afford a gym. Body weight is good. Push ups, sit ups, etc.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Do resistance training at home. Squats, leg raises, crunches, jumping jacks, push ups, duck walks, lunges, planks.. etc.. things like that that use your body weight as the weight. I start with 2 "girl" push-ups and like 10 minutes of it overall resistance training and am up to 10 push ups and 30 minutes. I can even hold the planks for 60 seconds now. I'm looking for more stuff at add because I don't enjoy traditional weight lifting, although I do that as well.

    I don't have a comment on the calories. I don't understand BMR or TDEE. I just know where i feel full and where I feel like I ate to much. I
  • MamaWeil2018
    MamaWeil2018 Posts: 62 Member
    I found a website for doing strength and cardio stuff at home, as I can't afford a gym...fitnessblender.com, great variety of workouts and all different lengths, they mark how strenuous each workout is so you can start off light and ease your way up...it's made a big difference for me!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Start resistance training now, you can use your own body weight or cheap bands and a Swiss ball as resistance. You want to make an exercise harder be sure to the full range of movement, move more slowly or even add isometrics IF you are completely confident your heart and blood pressure are healthy. Weights are a convenience tool not the be all and end all of strength training.

    There are many body weight exercises that are tough if done with correct technique: hand stand press ups, pull ups or one arm pull ups (NO swinging the body), marine press ups, full plank with toes on Swiss ball, side lying plank with one leg in the air (foot parallel to floor), wall sits, one leg ball squats, stepping lunges .... I do one with clients which is similar to yoga Dolphin but into full plank. Another one where you are on all fours but your knees are hovering an inch above the floor.
  • GetHotIn2014
    GetHotIn2014 Posts: 201 Member
    Thanks, all. I started Jillian's 30 Day Shred yesterday. I definitely feel sore today. When I was done yesterday I was totally exhausted, ready to fall asleep! lol I kept up with most of it, but I'll admit there were a few times when the cardio got too intense with those jumping jacks and butt kicks, and I had a really hard time coordinating the bicycle crunches so I did mostly regular crunches during that part, but I'll try again tomorrow and maybe I'll do better. =) I'll stick with the ellipital today.