Day 9 & starting to think of bad foods



  • RadioactivePirate
    Hi all,
    The problem with me is I know if I eat what im craving I will not stop so have decided not to untill I can say I will only have a little and mean it.. Like really mean it. So for now i'm best to not give in :-o
    Thanks again for all your comments x

    Try doing thing like weighing/counting/measuring out your portion, logging it, and taking it into another room with you. Don't just grab the package and allow yourself to keep going with it. Eat mindfully, and enjoy what you're eating rather than zoning out in front of the TV or computer. Moderation is something you will have to learn to be successful, and flat-out denying yourself the things you crave is not a good long term plan. And the only way to lose weight and keep it off is to do it long term.

    And if you do give in and eat a whole bunch of some high-calorie food? Log it. Log every bite and hold yourself accountable for those calories and close out your day. Then shrug your shoulders and move on and do better tomorrow. Remember not to fall into the trap of overeating and then feeling like you've already failed so you might as well just give up.
  • Lisa2bHappy
    Hi dcglobal,
    Just re-read your message :-)
    Thanks alot, it has motivated me more.. Thank god I wrote down instead of eating as the support from everyone is lovely.
  • Lisa2bHappy
    Hi RadioactivePi,
    I agree your right, I need to start thinking long term here as I truly want to do it properly this time. I have a addictive personality I think so may have to say no for now but also learn to say yes (in moderation)
    Errrrr wow.. Judging by my last sentence I think the support on here has actually helped me tonight :-)
  • Lisa2bHappy
    Thanks JULIEdance, you are sooooo right :-)
  • ATester
    ATester Posts: 17 Member
    There is NO "Bad Food" if you look at food as "good" or "bad" you won't be very successful. You have to learn about PORTION control and balance. If you want a piece of chocolate, then have one piece, track and calculate it and adjust the rest of your day and calories (same goes for alcohol, ect ect ect) I don't go deprive myself of every thing, this is a lifestyle, not a quick fix, it must be something you can sustain in order to be successful.

    Relax, you can do this! :)

    Also make it fun, take those foods you love that may not be the healthiest of choices and learn to make lower calorie/lower fat options that tast just as great if not better. That is what I did with Tex-Mex fast food, I never get that anymore because I created healthy alternatives I love even more! :)

    Good Advise!
  • Lisa2bHappy
    Hi Amazonbella,
    You are also very right and thanks for your post :-)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Hi, i'm on day 9 and my mind is starting to go down the 'ooooh chocolate would be good right now' & 'so could murder something from kfc'. I know this is not good thinking but one good thing is I worked a kfc into my cals but then decided against it. Yeah that may sound like i'm goin down the right road but negativity is setting in and im scared I may come off my new way of life (hate the word diet).
    Maybe it's just a bad day.. Who knows just writing it down may help.
    I should be happy as had a good weight loss (yet wanted more) and it is the longest I have stuck @ healthy eating but the buzz has gone for me now and i'am slowly coming back to the reality of how much weight I have to lose (6 stone).
    If anyone else has been through this I would be happy to hear what got you through it.
    Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.
    Food isn't "good" or "bad". No one food is responsible for making you gain weight. Eating too much food makes you gain weight. Some foods have a better nutritional balance than others, but demonising certain foods is not really helpful. I eat chocolate nearly every day, and bread, and butter etc. I have lost 6 stone eating all that stiff. I don't eat KFC, just because it's not really my thing, but there are plenty of people on this site who eat fast food regularly, who are slim, fit and healthy. I'm NOT saying you should eat chocolate, or fast food, but you can do, and still lose weight.

    You say you don't like the word "diet" and want to call it a "new way of life", but to me it sounds like you're treating it exactly like a "diet" - a period of strict food restriction and beating yourself up for eating the foods that you've always been told are "bad", especially for dieters. Do you want to live like that forever? Again, I'm not saying you should eat those kinds of foods. Everyone has to find a way that works for them, and some people choose to cut out certain foods forever.

    There are other options though. For example, you could focus on counting calories and fitting the foods you like into your calorie goal. Then, as time goes on, you will most likely find that you are wanting to make different choices anyway. I started off trying to get more protein, and then trying to drink more water. Then I started focusing on getting more vegetables. Just small steps though, small changes that I knew I could live with long-term. If KFC is food that you really enjoy eating, then why not plan to eat it every so often. Pre-log your food, work out what can fit into your diary that day, log it, order it and enjoy it. You might find that after a while, you don't enjoy it as much. Or, you might decide to make it a treat every few weeks. I don't have Chinese takeaways much any more because I don't like how it makes me feel. I still have it occasionally though because I still like the taste!

    I can understand what you are saying about not being able to stop at just a little of something. Pre-logging can really help with that. Some people do find that they have to cut certain things out altogether, because they are "trigger" foods, but a lot of people can get the hang of portion control and moderation, with practise. Bearing in mind that this is your "new way of life" - KFC is always going to be out there, so is chocolate. Wouldn't it be nice to feel free to eat it, and enjoy it, as often or as little as you choose, without beating yourself up about it? Maybe start off practising moderation with food that you feel a little more in control of, and that will give you more confidence.
  • Lisa2bHappy
    Hi 388gigi,
    Thank you for your advice :-)
  • Lisa2bHappy
    THANKS :-)
    Your advice is spot on.
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Hi, i'm on day 9 and my mind is starting to go down the 'ooooh chocolate would be good right now' & 'so could murder something from kfc'. I know this is not good thinking but one good thing is I worked a kfc into my cals but then decided against it. Yeah that may sound like i'm goin down the right road but negativity is setting in and im scared I may come off my new way of life (hate the word diet).
    Maybe it's just a bad day.. Who knows just writing it down may help.
    I should be happy as had a good weight loss (yet wanted more) and it is the longest I have stuck @ healthy eating but the buzz has gone for me now and i'am slowly coming back to the reality of how much weight I have to lose (6 stone).
    If anyone else has been through this I would be happy to hear what got you through it.
    Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.

    To stay on track, you've absolutely got to find your motivation. Read success stories on the message boards. Hype yourself up so you can't quit or give in to the cravings.
    Also learn to replace your cravings with a healthy food or beverage. I replace ice cream with apple sauce, fast food with a baked sweet potato (with cinnamon butter too, of course). You've got to change your mental triggers to your stomach. I promise it will work if you try hard and don't give up.
    Message me if you ever need support or advice.
