What can my wife do to go to the bathroom regularly?



  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    i agree with the PRUNES, even my kids love them, we dont eat a lot of sugar, prunes taste really sweet to us.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    She needs to make sure she's doing things daily and regularly to keep her bowels moving- fiber (at least 25 grams, Metamucil 3x / day), fruits and vegetables, some sort of healthy oil, probiotics and lots of water. Daily exercise is good as well as it keeps things moving.

    There are some other tips on this site:


    "Avoid constipating foods and drinks, such as white flour, cheese, fried foods, sweets, salt, beef, pasteurized milk, all junk food, wine, carbonated drinks, and coffee. Certain berries with a large amount of seeds, such as strawberries, huckleberries, raspberries and blackberries, should be avoided, too, as they have a tendency to constipate."
  • So funny, I seem to be in exactly the same position as your wife. I was losing great all fall (and actually, for a whole year) and now suddenly, for about three months I could barely lose a thing. Or it was down 1lb one week, up a pound the next. Bah!

    Here's what I've been doing (and I've been losing again lately so it seems to be working!)

    - Basically doubled my water and vegetable (fibre) intake.
    - Cut out a lot of processed foods (canned soups, bottled salad dressings, these little weight watcher 'mini bars' that I liked, etc.)
    - Swapped most of my bread and pitas and granola and stuff for more natural carbs like potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, etc.
    - And the biggest thing: started paying attention to WHEN I was eating my points. You mentioned your wife sticks to her points during the week and only uses flex on the weekend, which is exactly what I was doing, and I think it was part of my problem. There is a thread in the stickies called 700 Calories a Day and Not Losing, which describes a woman who eats 700 calories MOST of the time, and then has occasional days where she eats above that, and she can't lose weight. I believe this is an extreme version of what I was experiencing. For me I was eating about 1200 calories/day through the week, but ALSO burning about 500 calories (most days) on exercise, (and not eating any activity points), so my net calories during the week were more like 700. Then on the weekend, i wouldn't work out AND I would eat closer to 1600-1700 calories. I think my body was being deprived during the week and overloaded on the weekends, and it was just NOT conducive to losing. My body was holding onto all those calories from the weekend.

    So what I do now is track my calories on here and make sure I eat back my exercise calories on the day I earn them -- and make sure my NET calories don't drop below 1200. So I'm not necessarily eating more OVERALL, but I am eating more on the weekdays and less on the weekends. It took a couple of weeks (of gaining, boo!) but it seems to be working now.
  • Corbinsmom
    Corbinsmom Posts: 117
    I definately think it's best to check with a doctor. I will say I have hear that chia seeds are extreamly high in fiber and you can add them to your oatmeal or just about anyting. I will say a prayer for her that all is well and she will be looseing again. Good luck!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Never mind- I read some more and their website answers my questions!

    It has really helped and it does so much more than promote regularity. I take the powder form
    http://www.yerba.com/storefront/item.asp?id=54 and mix it into my protein shakes.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Please don't discount a visit to a trusted doctor for a better assessment - as bowel problems can be serious.

    There are a lot of posts about fiber on this thread - there's a site called www.helpforibs.com that differentiates between soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Supposedly, soluble fiber is key for keeping the digestive system regulated (for people with IBS - and - I've heard a similar dietary approach can really help others with finicky systems).

    From what I understand - soluble fiber provides enough "bulk" in the colon to get things moving through- AND - it also helps with the opposite extreme of constipation. Insoluble fiber (such as leafy greens, some veggies and nuts) as well as high fat and dairy items can actually trigger constipation in some people if the soluble fiber is missing. As long as soluble fiber is included in the diet, other foods with insoluble fiber can be better tolerated and enjoyed.

    The site mentioned above has a list of soluble vs. insoluble fibers - Soluble includes carrots, mushrooms, oatmeal, white rice, white potatoes, papaya, etc. They're generally foods that are thought of as starchy - but the fiber contribution is crucial to keeping the gut happy. Soluble fiber supplements can also be purchased and dissolved into liquid - they're tasteless and don't thicken upon dissolving - virtually undetectable.. So the trick for your wife could be to try increasing her soluble fiber and making sure that every insoluble is preceded or accompanied by the soluble.

    I'm not highly educated on this issue - but the information presented on this site resonates strongly with how my doctor advised me to eat - and my functions are now in proper working order. Hope this is helpful...
  • sean23
    sean23 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks. She eats a lot of salad and greens. Maybe she isn't getting enough soluble fiber with the insoluble. Definitely something to look into.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Yeah, I wouldn't think it could hurt. Wishing her luck!
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