My husband just doesn't get it!!!



  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    My man used to whine about my calorie counting and diet but he discovered that when I'm dieting and exercising he doesn't have to hear me complain about how fat I am.

    He hates to hear me complain about being fat when I'm not overweight, just out of shape; therefore, my diet not only keeps me happy but it keeps him happy too. When he realized that my b*tching and complaining declined by 60%, he became a happy camper!
  • Motivated
    Hang in there, I know how hard it is when a spouse isn't exactly in your corner. I think maybe he is afraid of you finding success.
  • sophialittle
    sophialittle Posts: 344 Member
    i hear ya! everyone else had very good responses, so i'm not gonna try to outdo! lol but i would just second what they said. i think he's jealous, i've noticed A LOT of people around me automatically start talking bout their weight the minute we talk about me counting cals. they always start giving me the reasons why then haven't lost weight or jsut start making fun of trying. so i'm guessing that you dealing with your weight makes him think about how he should deal with his. i don't know your husband or his weight stats, but i'm guessing you're making him nervous that you're making a change to make your body healthier and he's not. don't give up!!!! maybe it'll motivate him to come around once he knows this lifestyle change isn't going anywhere for you. i would honestly say too, to sit down and talk with him about this at a calm time. like, NOT after he's just got done making fun of you for measuring lol but seriously, at a time when you're both calm, sit down and tell him how you feel and see if things change. best of luck! we're here if you need to scream! lol:flowerforyou: