Is there such thing as TOO much water?



  • mattysmom
    mattysmom Posts: 82 Member
    I also have to do fast breakfast in the morning, in fact I pack it and eat it at work cause i have to be there at 5am. I bring a banana, or other fruit -and Greek yogurt, which is super good for you, filling, and full of protein! I also put granola in my yogurt- the Naked brand makes low fat , less sugar flavors which are awesome (I am in love with the vanilla almond!!) It can be put together very quickly and usually fills me up till i have lunch 7 hours later. Once in awhile i'll have cottage cheese instead but it has alot of sodium in it
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Yes, Hyponatremia

    Don't drink more than a quart an hour as a rule of thumb or over 12 quarts a day. The more water you drink, the more salt you should intake so you keep your body balanced.
    12 quarts??

    Let's see...
    1 quart = 4 cups = 32 ounces
    12 quarts = 48 cups = 384 ounces

    And the rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces... which for me is 78.5 ounces... Holy crap that's a lot of water!!

    I don't think anyone has to worry about water intoxication unless you're in a water drinking contest like this woman: