Follow up threat to TEARS and Mind Muscle

This is a follow up post to earlier posts TEARS and Mind Muscle

NSV!!! My first one! I did THREE not one, not two but THREE unbroken bear crawls half the length of the gym with good form and at a good clip of speed. If you don't know what a bear crawl is (I didn't until 2 weeks ago), it is where you are on your hands and feet crawling on all fours like a "bear" or in my case a very out of shape bear but I did it! Gosh, that sounds like such a small victory but for me it is like the tiniest sliver of light at the end of the tunnel. The last time I had to do bear crawls they were more like bear drags and a lot of move a few inches...stop....move... stop.

Had a talk with the trainer today about all the mind muscle issues I am having and he helped me wrap my brain around things...first, I am impatient. I want to snap my fingers and be at goal. BUZZ!! Ain't gonna happen! Second, I have a bit of a "pleaser" attitude in me even after all these years of bumping up against that in other areas of life and knowing it never goes that is on the table now. Finally, he told me, "I don't care if you cry the entire workout as long as you finish" so now he has been warned it may happen at some point. There was that funky welling up feeling again today but not as intense but it was there. I now know that when that welling up feeling comes I start to lose my focus and that is just not going to work with work I have ahead of me.

Finally, left today not feeling defeated but more like a work in progress. I can handle work in progress but feeling defeated is a tough fight for even the person with the strongest mind muscle out there. I was actually almost scared to go to the gym today after feeling the overwhelming feelings from the last two work outs. He did explain this is like a roller coaster ride and I am on the part where you are starting up that steep hill that it takes to get the ride going. All I can say is that for such a young guy, my trainer really knows his stuff and is learning how to navigate my land mines!

Thank you for all your posts with advice and assurance that I got this. I am sure there is going to be more for me to figure out along the way but I for now, I got this!


  • angserino
    I knew you would! Just continue on regardless of how you will be glad you did!! :drinker:
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    bear claw! great job ; )
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Hey, pat yourself on the back for a job well done! That didnt happen because you sat around wishing for it or because you stared at it. It happened because you got out there and you pushed and you overcame obstacles and you struggled you PERSERVERED!

    You are awesome!!!
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    When I first started I got upset cos I couldn't jump back and forth over a damn line! I felt so uncoordinated! Why can't I do this I kept asking? But over time and with each improvement I felt like I achieved something even if I still didn't keep up with another person. Now I can jump the line easily...rarely part of a session now. I go in with the attitude that its personal..between myself and I and I don't look up till it's done! Frankly I smash training whatever it entails...I grit my teeth and it feels bloody good! A year or so ago I was a mess. I'm indebted to my trainer.

    I love your post..I get are awesome! I'm excited for you. I know the future you and you are going places with this that you can't even imagine.

    Bear claw ROOOAAARR!!! lol