please, need some advice here?

vzryder Posts: 129 Member
I bicycle ride as my formal exercise, as I have health issues, skeletal and need to be aware of what I do.
I want to and think ? I need to vary my exercise as I have plateaued. So been thinking of weights or strength training. Cannot afford to and do not live within a 70klm round trip, from Gyms.
So thought of resistance bands. Is this a valid option and are they a workout for me?
Appreciate any thoughts or advice, ne to all this and really want to take it correctly and sensibly.
Btw in case it is relevant, 55yo female, lol


  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    Use some soup cans from your pantry... Laundry detergent bottles if you have a few... Google some toning workouts to use.

    I dont know much about the bands or how they work, but if you use items you already have then its super cheap.. Do the stairs a little at a time.. Go up and down up and down etc get your heart rate up but then add soup cans in your hands for a little bit of weight...

  • jdirt101
    yes the resistance bands do have some good points .. be careful using them they hurt if they slip and swat ya ... but as far as being a cheaper alternative and adding light resistance to anything normal id say buy ya some ..
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I am quoting my girl DontStopB_Leakin from another general advice thread I started regarding plateaus:
    I'd like to add a bit about plateauing, though, because that seems to be another topic that attracts LOADS of broscience.

    Sometimes, our weight loss comes to a halt. This doesn't happen for all of us, but it happens to a lot of us, myself included. Stalled out for two damn years. Tried EVERYTHING (well, all the wrong things, like cutting my calories too damn low), and the scale would not budge. If this happens to you, my best advice would be to either A. try upping your calories. The closer you get to goal, the smaller your caloric deficit should be. B. Take a maintenance break. This has worked for me twice already. Chill out with the deficit. Don't necessarily stop tracking, but up your caloric intake to maintenance for 7 to 10 days. You can even chill out on the exercise if you want. Trust me. It works.

    Also, one more thing to add: This has been said so many times, but it's always worth repeating. Do NOT gauge your progress by the number on the scale. Take photos and measurements. Pay attention to how your clothes fit. So many times the number on the scale might say we're not making progress, but the smaller clothing sizes/measurements say otherwise. It is NOT all about the number on the scale. Not at all.


    Basically, what I want to emphasize is you may not NEED to vary your workouts- especially with your medical situation. What is your calorie goal, how much of a deficit is it, and how long have you been dieting?
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    Use some soup cans from your pantry... Laundry detergent bottles if you have a few... Google some toning workouts to use.

    I dont know much about the bands or how they work, but if you use items you already have then its super cheap.. Do the stairs a little at a time.. Go up and down up and down etc get your heart rate up but then add soup cans in your hands for a little bit of weight...


    Tysvm for your reply , much appreciated.

    Yep, I hear you on using what I have already at home, great thinking.

    As for stairs, they are out due to needing both hips replaced and too painful to manage at all b4 that!
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    yes the resistance bands do have some good points .. be careful using them they hurt if they slip and swat ya ... but as far as being a cheaper alternative and adding light resistance to anything normal id say buy ya some ..

    Thanks for your opinion and I hear you loud and clear on cautious using, lol
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I am quoting my girl DontStopB_Leakin from another general advice thread I started regarding plateaus:
    I'd like to add a bit about plateauing, though, because that seems to be another topic that attracts LOADS of broscience.

    Sometimes, our weight loss comes to a halt. This doesn't happen for all of us, but it happens to a lot of us, myself included. Stalled out for two damn years. Tried EVERYTHING (well, all the wrong things, like cutting my calories too damn low), and the scale would not budge. If this happens to you, my best advice would be to either A. try upping your calories. The closer you get to goal, the smaller your caloric deficit should be. B. Take a maintenance break. This has worked for me twice already. Chill out with the deficit. Don't necessarily stop tracking, but up your caloric intake to maintenance for 7 to 10 days. You can even chill out on the exercise if you want. Trust me. It works.

    Also, one more thing to add: This has been said so many times, but it's always worth repeating. Do NOT gauge your progress by the number on the scale. Take photos and measurements. Pay attention to how your clothes fit. So many times the number on the scale might say we're not making progress, but the smaller clothing sizes/measurements say otherwise. It is NOT all about the number on the scale. Not at all.


    Basically, what I want to emphasize is you may not NEED to vary your workouts- especially with your medical situation. What is your calorie goal, how much of a deficit is it, and how long have you been dieting?
    She beat me! And with my own advice, no less!

    OP...(can't believe I'm essentially quoting myself) ^this.
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    ok.. lets see,, can you do steps in place ? lifing your legs up one at a time as high as you can go?
  • Theraband has an excelent educational website. Look it over and decide if its right for you.

    There is also a link to where you can purchase the bands for $5-$6/piece.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Bodyweight movements. Squats, lunges, dips...

    Failing that, soup cans is a good suggestion, as would be milk jugs filled with water.
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    I am quoting my girl DontStopB_Leakin from another general advice thread I started regarding plateaus:
    I'd like to add a bit about plateauing, though, because that seems to be another topic that attracts LOADS of broscience.

    Sometimes, our weight loss comes to a halt. This doesn't happen for all of us, but it happens to a lot of us, myself included. Stalled out for two damn years. Tried EVERYTHING (well, all the wrong things, like cutting my calories too damn low), and the scale would not budge. If this happens to you, my best advice would be to either A. try upping your calories. The closer you get to goal, the smaller your caloric deficit should be. B. Take a maintenance break. This has worked for me twice already. Chill out with the deficit. Don't necessarily stop tracking, but up your caloric intake to maintenance for 7 to 10 days. You can even chill out on the exercise if you want. Trust me. It works.

    Also, one more thing to add: This has been said so many times, but it's always worth repeating. Do NOT gauge your progress by the number on the scale. Take photos and measurements. Pay attention to how your clothes fit. So many times the number on the scale might say we're not making progress, but the smaller clothing sizes/measurements say otherwise. It is NOT all about the number on the scale. Not at all.


    Basically, what I want to emphasize is you may not NEED to vary your workouts- especially with your medical situation. What is your calorie goal, how much of a deficit is it, and how long have you been dieting?

    Firstly thank you for the Link, looking now..........

    On the quote, yes I have had a few ppl suggest that I am eating to little...............never thought I would hear that! I had allowed the Diary to ''recommend'' setting and that was for 1200 cal/day, I have just gone back and used ''custom'' and upped my intake to 1400, may look at 1600/ day instead??? Only began my wonderful journey on August 31 last year, lost 13kg with maybe another 20kg to go, that will not be small, but I feel sustainable, to me? After I reach that, I will or may revise again.

    Also had someone else tell me not be be fixated on a # on the scales, so have to re-set my brain again too, as that used to be the end all of my generation? b4 research proved other wise.
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    ok.. lets see,, can you do steps in place ? lifing your legs up one at a time as high as you can go?
    alas , steps or hip movement pretty much out for the moment for me.
    Had achilles tendon rupture, repaired to best surgeon could do but not a success and until get better hips due to avascular necrosis, have to be aware of ''collapsing ''t hem, that is why Specialist likes bicycling for me, supporting entire body weight on saddle of bike :)
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    Bodyweight movements. Squats, lunges, dips...

    Failing that, soup cans is a good suggestion, as would be milk jugs filled with water.

    thank you for your suggestion, taken onboard and will use, appreciated :bigsmile:
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    Theraband has an excelent educational website. Look it over and decide if its right for you.

    There is also a link to where you can purchase the bands for $5-$6/piece.
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    Theraband has an excelent educational website. Look it over and decide if its right for you.

    There is also a link to where you can purchase the bands for $5-$6/piece.

    Should have mentioned, I am in Australia, but yes looking at that site now and have also bookmarked it for further reading, many thanks:flowerforyou:
  • Salvatrucha30
    I bought a set of 3 dvds at wal mart for 24.99 plus tax..and it comes with 2lbs very simple basics..but if you do it as it tells you it actually works..I do it more then my Zumba videos..:)..cuz is cheap and fun..easy..good luck!! is call Latin Blast..
  • mperez57
    mperez57 Posts: 7 Member
    yes they can be effective also use household items like they reference earlier....add cans to grocery bags..back packs etc house hold its for squats lunges..curls etc.. and even with hip replacement resistance training should be added even if want to strengthen those muscles and stabilizers around your hips not make them weaker
  • Clarissa11s
    Clarissa11s Posts: 43 Member
    Water aerobics/swimming is a great option for low impact exercise (if that is an available option of course)
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    Water aerobics/swimming is a great option for low impact exercise (if that is an available option of course)

    Facilities, again 70 odd klm away, makes it difficult or am I making excuses?
    Ty for comment
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    I bought a set of 3 dvds at wal mart for 24.99 plus tax..and it comes with 2lbs very simple basics..but if you do it as it tells you it actually works..I do it more then my Zumba videos..:)..cuz is cheap and fun..easy..good luck!! is call Latin Blast..

    great idea, must look at department stores here in OZ for similar, thank you !
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    yes they can be effective also use household items like they reference earlier....add cans to grocery bags..back packs etc house hold its for squats lunges..curls etc.. and even with hip replacement resistance training should be added even if want to strengthen those muscles and stabilizers around your hips not make them weaker

    I hear you loud and clear on that as I learnt after many spinal fusions and sacro -ileac fusions about ''girdle'' muscles and strength in that area!
    Thank you :)