Listen All Y'All This Is Sabotage



  • CaraLuMay
    Well done!
  • Rodderick89
    Rodderick89 Posts: 205 Member
    Here's how I've been trying to think of it after a bad day or two.. this healthy eating/exercise malarky is going to be a LIFESTYLE change for you, NOT another fad diet.

    So you had 2 bad days.. that might feel rubbish.. but 2 out of 365 of this year? Even if you had 4 "bad" days a month, or one bad day a week, that still means you are sticking to eating well for 87% of the year. Ok, so it's not 100% of the year but 1. you are human. 2. compare that to what you were probably eating previously! Personally, I know that previously I was eating healthily for about 10% of the time..

    Keep your chin up and remember you are only a couple of weeks in- don't beat yourself up :) xx
  • lambchoplewis
    13 out of 15 is GREAT!!! I have been waiting two weeks to go out to dinner this Sat. I know I will have some things (like wine) that is not normal for a day-to-day basis. but... I will not go crazy with guilt as I have done that and it does not good. I have been on MFP for 10 months and have probably "binged" 10 times!!! I get back on the program, and voila - it works.

    It is a lifelong thins... not a one day eat and quit.
  • rougecrayon
    What you have done is not what defines you. It's what you'll do next! You can do it! No matter how many bad days you have, commit to keep trying!
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    I agree with the overall sentiment on this thread, that 1 or 2 days is not going to completely derail several days of staying on track. We have got to do ourselves a favor and STOP the diet mentality. It is a LIFEstyle change, and frankly I think portion control is the bigger key to learn here than setting ourselves up for failure thinking we can never have certain foods again. There are things I know I need to avoid until I have made more progress as they will set me up for overeating - can anyone say Pasta?? But if we can learn to have a smaller portion of the things that used to derail us - monkey bread sounds pretty good right now!!! - then we have truly embraced a lifestyle that we can live with. I have also noticed that I might do really well for several days, staying under, not have a loss, then eat more for a day or two and the loss happens...
    I just have to throw in there, as women we have that monthly enemy that comes around with water weight, feeling like crap and CRAVINGS. I have been doing great this month, down 10 lbs, and yesterday I found myself up the eyebrows in a bag of chips - and I am not a chip eater normally!!!! Looked at the calendar and bingo, time for the craving cycle to begin...
    The only thing that makes those one or two meals or snack attacks "sabotage" is if we let them take us off track for another trip down weight gain lane... Just get back to it next meal or next day.
  • furniem
    furniem Posts: 145 Member
    You have made progress! Out of 15 days you were only bad for 2 of them and then AWESOME for 13! I would say that is progress. It is a lifestyle change and you are doing it a little bit every day. Keep fighting the good fight!

    One movitational poster I like is:

    I may not be there yet, but I'm closer that I was yesterday

    Nobody is perfect and if we all were what a boring world this would be!!

    You can do this!