Do you log every single item...



  • marii92
    marii92 Posts: 77
    I log everything from meals to a sip of soda. The only thing I don't log is the EVOO 1 calorie spray and the colon cleanse powder which is 38 calories per tsp. But I only have 1/4 of that tsp 'cause it tastes awful and I rarely have it.
  • gummibaehr
    gummibaehr Posts: 143
    I don't log gum.
    Or when I have a nibble or a sip of something for taste testing purposes.
    Or my fiber pills (that I take occasionally).

    Everything else goes in the log!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I don't log sweetener, and calorie free beverages or condiments. If I use a tbsp of chopped onion, or a mushroom in something I'm cooking, I don't always log it either. I'm a little lazy, but I've set my daily cals a little high (1700) and don't eat my exercise calories, so I average between1200-1400 most days, and I'm okay with that =)

    I'm young though, and very active, so I respect that some people need to be a lot stricter with their logging =)
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    I log everything except my Diet Dr. Pepper. Even things like pickles that are basically Free food I log. If I go over on my calories, I want to know exactly where it was.

    Pickles have a huge amount of sodium so if you are tracking sodium you may want to add those....I agree even free all adds uo!

    To answer the post -- yep, everything...i even add 1 bite of my kids dinner - -little bites add up!!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I confess I don't log samples at the grocery store.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I don't log black coffee or tea (coffee is only 5 calories), gum, hard candies (unless I have more than 1 a day, of course), or lettuce. If I make a sandwich with turkey breast, mustard and cheese, I'll log everything BUT the lettuce.

    Overall, the calories in the things I DON'T log will add up to no more than 20-30 calories per day. And I CHOOSE to not log them for psychological reasons- I believe that logging the tiniest little details obsessively is not healthy. As was mentioned previously, nobody ever gained weighed on lettuce and black coffee. For me, this journey is about becoming healthier and more aware of what's going into my body- it's not about worrying and obsessing over tiny details. I don't log them, not because I'm lying to myself or anyone else, but because they are insignificant.

    Besides, at the end of the day, your calorie counts are never going to be 100% accurate. The ACTUAL amount of calories in the food you eat will vary from piece to piece. The logger may say that the apple you're eating is 80 calories- but really it could be 70 calories, or 90. You may have logged 200 calories worth of chicken, but maybe the scale was off slightly. You could be really eating 180 calories worth of chicken, or 220. There's a certain allowable margin of error when it comes to posting nutritional information, too. So really, while you may be logging (for example) 1200 calories per day, chances are you're actually consuming more or less than that. That black coffee or lettuce isn't going to make a lick of a difference in the long term.