100lbs to loose after having a c-section

I had a baby 8 months ago from a c section. Now my belly has like a "flap" it's super embarressing, like I could be wearing my lulus and a tAnk top, and see my flap at the bottom. Just wondering if there's anyone out there that's lost the weight and your stomach went flat or did you always have the flap. I plan on getting a tummy tuck After I have a 2nd child , but that will be in a few years


  • I had a baby 8 months ago from a c section. Now my belly has like a "flap" it's super embarressing, like I could be wearing my lulus and a tAnk top, and see my flap at the bottom. Just wondering if there's anyone out there that's lost the weight and your stomach went flat or did you always have the flap. I plan on getting a tummy tuck After I have a 2nd child , but that will be in a few years

    I know the feeling hun.. I wouldn't look so big if I didn't have that.. I was wondering the samething.. if I lose all this weight then will I still have the c-section flap! :cry:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I was 277 pounds when I had my first c-section. I eventually got down to 147 pounds (having had two more c-sections in there). My belly got a lot smaller, but I did still have a little pooch. I think I've always had a bit of a pooch though. The flap wasn't nearly as noticeable. I've seen pictures of people who have gotten really nice abs after having had a c-section, so I think it's possible. Remember, though, that abs are made in the kitchen. Lots of "clean" eating.
  • keren22
    keren22 Posts: 18
    Hey ladies! I too had a C-section, I know exactly what flap you are talking about ;) I know people who got rid of it! Its all in WHAT you do. Of course weight loss is the first, but then certain exercises AND FOODS will help with that. Mines getting whittled away, and I intend to get RID of it! It's doable!

    Feel free to add me, I believe TEAM and support and motivation is the key to success!
  • x4mygirlsx
    x4mygirlsx Posts: 129 Member
    I had my 3rd baby and second c section 5 months ago. To start with i could only see my c section scar if i lifted my belly up because of the 'flap'. Ive lost 44lb so far (200lbs-156lbs) and can finally see my scar without lifting my belly. so it does get better. Keep at it. x
  • Danipri22
    Danipri22 Posts: 44 Member
    I had a c-section 18 weeks ago and my stomach is so flabby :( I need to lose 40-50lbs, Feel free to add me ladies, I'm sure we can do this together x
  • I had a 2nd c-section 13 short weeks ago. I have 40-50 pounds to lose and that damned flap.... I hate the flap. I just started working out again though I am sure we will all get our poor belly flap at least smaller if not gone! I don't remember having it after the first c-section but that was a long time ago so maybe I blocked it from memory!
  • catbyrd
    catbyrd Posts: 87 Member
    I didnt get the flap until after my second c-section. I think it was because the cut for the second c-section was right underneath the cut for the first one.
  • I weighed 180 when I gave birth and. But since I had a C-section, I wasn't able to exercise immediately, so I gained weight ending up at 230 pounds. I am now at 213 and want to lose 98 more pounds to be healthier for my daughter. My biggest problem has been trying to stick to my exercise plan. You are not alone feeling like your body has changed for the worse. I look in the mirror and feel like there is no fixing it, but after losing 22 pounds since February, I feel like a different person and want to keep going. It is definitely easier gaining than it is losing (and keeping it off), but I think it will be worth it.
  • had my 3rd CS last june and I had the flap after my first, I have about 65lbs to loose from my 1st child still, the flap never goes away, it will get smaller but will always hang :( we all need tummy tucks to be rid of it for good :(
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    I have had 3 c-sections. It has been 9 years since my last one. I do not have a flap anymore.

    My secret? When I lost weight I lost the flap. No special exercise (I walk and jump around like an idiot at work with the kindy kids and that's it). No special diet (although I have mostly eaten healthily most my life just too much of it).

    My advice for the flap is moisturize your skin, gentle exercise, eat well but don't be obsessive about it and just lose your weight. If your C-section is still newish then your flap is loose skin from your pregnancy so it will take time to tighten up again.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    I hear you!
    I've had two c-sections, one in 2007 and the second just 16 months later in 2008. The nurse I had after my second c-section referred to my flap as "quite a large apron" when instructing me on how to clean it....argh.:blushing:
    I had a coworker who had twins via c-section, was at her ideal weight, but still complained about her flap. For the record, I could not see hers...and we wore scrub pants.
    I'm confident mine will get smaller, but will probably never go away completely. As long as I can keep it clean and my clothes fit comfortably, I proabably won't do any tummy tucks. I kind of like my battle scar....I just want the only "apron" I wear to be on the outside of my clothes!
  • I had my c-section in 2004...whilst still carrying baby weight the 'pouch' as I call it is more prominent. But when I was a tiny 8.5stone, i still had a mini pouch. I think if I did extreme stomach toning then it would all pull back in tightly, but as I don't...it's there no matter what weight but obviously more noticeable when weight is carried around the middle :)
  • Tetonia
    Tetonia Posts: 79 Member
    I think there are a lot of factors on whether it goes away completely. I had a c-section 20 years ago but didn't really have baby weight to lose afterwards and I healed flat. Next baby two years later was without a c-section and I had 15 pounds to lose afterwards, the original scar pulled and caused a teeny tiny "flap" as you call it and it never totally went away, although I never really tried to exercise it off. Fast forward 18 years and then I gained 30 pounds and it got a little bigger. Now I have taken that weight back off and I am back to my normal weight and the "flap" is a little bit bigger than it was originally, maybe an inch of overhang where it used to be a half an inch. I am interested to see if I can exercise it away over this next year and I will certainly post if I do. I am at a higher body fat percent than I want to be right now.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I had 3 c-sections, but did not really have a flap. I would have described it as a "pooch", ha.
  • I have that stupid flap too after 3 c sections and have about 80 pounds to loose. I sure hope it goes away.
  • What exercises are you doing to get your abs back in shape?