combining treats

I saw on "Eat This, Not That" today that combining junk snacks with healthy snacks is a good idea. They suggested combining half Lucky Charms and half All Bran. It boosts the fiber but you still have the fun of the marshmallows.
Are there any other ideas out there?


  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I saw on "Eat This, Not That" today that combining junk snacks with healthy snacks is a good idea. They suggested combining half Lucky Charms and half All Bran. It boosts the fiber but you still have the fun of the marshmallows.
    Are there any other ideas out there?

    I say nix the Lucky Charms. All of that sugar is just gonna make you crave sweets later. Stick to the Raisin Bran. Enjoy the natural sweetness the raisins provide. Once you quit eating sugar, your body will not crave it any longer. Eat this: Raisin Bran/Not that: Lucky Charms! You deserve to be healthy!
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    I saw on "Eat This, Not That" today that combining junk snacks with healthy snacks is a good idea. They suggested combining half Lucky Charms and half All Bran. It boosts the fiber but you still have the fun of the marshmallows.
    Are there any other ideas out there?

    My new cereal obsession is the special k with dark chocolate...
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    FabulousFifty, I think you missed the point. The eat this/not that series is the "no diet" way to lose weight. Make slightly better choices and drop the lbs. It's a good starting point for many people who aren't going to the effort of counting cals and measuring. Obviously as a starting point, you'll need to move towards healthier foods once you've made the small changes in the beginning.
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    chocolate cherros is good too!

    I say go for the mix. If your like me you dont want to live with out it so you got to be realistic and combine em. Also I found when I cut myself off something compleatly when I do eat some (and I will eventually) I bienge eat.....

    To each their own!!!