New! Lost and gained back 50 lbs, trying to lose it again!

So I'm fairly new here (been about 2 weeks now) and am really loving MFP so far. I'm a 25 year old female, 5'10, 211lbs (219 starting weight).

In the second half of 2011 I lost 50 lbs in around 6 months (mostly just from counting calories, not much exercising) and felt great about myself, however the christmas/new year holidays came around and I took a break from dieting and just never went back to it. I kept telling myself "Oh I'll have the things I've been craving like pizza and the beginning of next month I'll be healthy again". And then just ate like crap ALL 2012 and put back the 50 lbs.

So 2013 is here and I am trying to lose the same 50 lbs (and fit into my adorable smallest clothes). I'd probably like to lose more than that afterwards, but 50 is a fairly realistic goal I think for now. Ideally, I'd like to do it in 6 months again, but I don't want to get down on myself if it takes longer.

Anyways, I'm just looking for friends who are maybe in a similar situation as me for some mutual support.
So if that's the case, add me as a friend if you'd like! :)


  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I lost 50lbs and have to work REALLY hard to KEEP it off, but I HAVE kept it off for a year and a half...always trying to chip away at the last few stubborn pounds.

    You can add me for some inspiration if you'd like! I started a new tumblr page also with pictures of my food choices etc. I run & do the 30 day shred dvd and random strength training moves for my exercise, and I walk walk walk!
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    UGH! You can add me. I have done the same thing. Lost about 40 lbs, Then gained it back again. I have all these nice clothes that I can't fit my fat *kitten* into!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    YOU can do it!
    GO FOR IT!
  • ajfc1971
    ajfc1971 Posts: 258 Member
    I have lost and gained weight all my adult life really. Since I have been on MFP (6mths now) I have lost 42lbs. It has taken a bit to get back in to it properly over the holidays and for some reason I was better over the holiday until the first week in Jan when I started to eat more. This week it has now stopped. Back on it. I am now the same weight as I was before Christmas so I am happy with this.
    If you need support etc feel free to add me :-)
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    you can add me i been losing the same 50lbs for 7 years.
  • 748marie
    748marie Posts: 61 Member
    I have been using MFP since the end of October. When I started Irealized I was not going to be at my goal in a month. I will usually start working out and when I do not magically become skinny I give up lol. But this time was different. This is forever. With that in mind I decided that I wasn't going to "diet" I was gonna change the things I eat but still eat yummy stuff. I think what we do is only have diet food and then when we get to our goal we think "hey lets eat!" and then gain it all back. This time I have gradually lost on average 1-2 lbs a week. Which make me extremly happy. I still have a ways to go.! My starting weight was 170/168. I am now at 154 and hope someday to get to 125. I eat bacon for breakfast and toast, instead of a whole apple i have half, I still get to have coffee with creamer. Fridays are my pizza days, I just ask for a thin crust veggie pizza with super super light cheese. I also have icecream on fridays but I go out for it. I never have it in the house bc I will eat it alllllllll! And AMy's meals are a huge help! anyway here are a few tricks I have bc when I am done losing, I am still gonna want to eat this way :
  • Edwardo27
    Edwardo27 Posts: 34 Member

    I am in the same boat, similar age (turning 25 in March) with 56 lbs to lose. Lost a lot of it few years back with weight watchers and kept it off for a while but Dr put me on medication and I ballooned back up to 15 stone, struggled with diets ever since - just cannot stick to them. Prone to binge behaviour if i restrict too much!

    Feel free to add if you want some support! xx
  • CurveAppeal86
    CurveAppeal86 Posts: 272 Member

    You can add me if you like :)
    I just turned 26 in December, I do have more to lose than you but I do like cheering others on!
  • good luck you can do it :-)