I don't have a huge amount to lose but I'm struggling!

Hi Guys,

I'm 5ft 3 and weigh a healthy 144lbs at the moment. When I was younger, my average weight was 126lbs (we're talking over 15 years ago). As I have gotten older, I have stayed around the 140Ibs mark but I would like to go back to being somewhere between 126 -133Ibs. I'm sure that there will be some people who will read this post and disregard it because I have a small amount of weight to lose but I would very much appreciate some advice.

I am fairly new to MFP and in the past I have lost weight by going on two diets in particular - the Cambridge diet and the Atkins. I would like to lose weight by limiting my calorie intake and upping my exercise regime so that the weight stays off. On Monday 7th January, I set up my profile and MFP set me a daily goal of 1200 calories. Since then, I have always been under my daily goal by a hundred or so calories and on the days that I do exercise, I make sure that I increase my calorie intake but still remain under my daily goal.

There are occasions where I complete my diary for the day and MFP informs me that I am having too few calories which may make me enter starvation mode.

So far my weight loss/gain has been as follows:

Mon 7th - 144 Ibs
Tues 8th - 143 Ibs
Weds 9th - 143 Ibs
Thurs 10th - 143 Ibs
Fri 11th - 145 Ibs
Sat 12th - 141 lbs
Sun 13th - 141 Ibs
Mon 14th - 143 Ibs
Tues 15th - 143 Ibs
Weds 16th - 143 Ibs
Thurs 17th - 144 Ibs

So I'm back to where I started despite only consuming less than 1200 calories per day and doing an increased amount of exercise. I'm thinking about limiting myself to 1200 calories per day regardless of how much exercise I do. Is this a good idea?

I know that I have only been adopting this approach for less than a couple of weeks and am more than happy to stick to what I am doing if people on here think that they weight will start to diminish eventually!

I should mention that I have started running quite regularly (I was never much of a runner before). Also, whilst my weight is going up and down, the measurements that I have taken (of my stomach, waist, hips, etc) are gradually decreasing.

Any feedback would be gratefully received.


  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    What calorie limit does MFP give you if you set it to lose .5lbs a week? Because that's really all you should be trying for with only 10-15 pounds to lose.

    With the weights given, I'm only assuming you've been at this for about 10 days? Give it a month. Eat the calories that MFP give you if you set it to lose .5lbs a week, eat back 1/2 of your exercise calories (unless you wear a HRM when you work out and know how many calories you are actually burning). Work out 3-4 times a week for about an hour at a time, 1/2 cardio, 1/2 strength training (body weight exercises unless you go to a gym and have access to heavy weights).

    Also, take measurements and pictures right now. When you only have a small amount to lose you might not see results on the scale, but you'll see results in photos and with the measuring tape.

    Try this for a month and come back and report your findings. Just don't give up. Also, patience. Rome wasn't built in a day!
  • nboot1
    nboot1 Posts: 41 Member
    I am 5'3 and 136.4 as of today...My story is the same as yours- when I was a teen I was always right around 125. Now I a mother of three and 30 years old (also weighing around 140). Best advice I have: It takes time and dedication. It is a life style change for LIFE not a diet. My weight goes up and down just like yours, I find it goes up a pound then suddenly down 2. Keep in mind water weight... take measurments that is a better indication if your body is really changing :)
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    You can do it lady. Anyone can struggle no matter how great or small. Focus and be consistent; I know you'll win :)
  • Shannonpurple
    Shannonpurple Posts: 268 Member
    Hi Natalie
    Here are a few things that may help you on your journey. First only weight yourself once a week some people say once a month but I think once a week is more reasonable. As a women we flucuate over the day with water weight with the hormonal changes in our bodies. Pick a day and it is best to do it the same time on that day and weight yourself once a week. You also want to log everything even drinks and log as you go that way you know how many calories you have left at the end of the day and you don’t get home after dinner log everything and realize you have gone over. Try to eat all your calories and drink lots of water.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Reset your goal to lose .5 lbs per week. Eat back half your exercise calories. You're not doing yourself any favors by eating less.

    Be really rigorous with weighing and measuring. Do not use generic entries from the database. Enter your own recipes. Double check whole food entries, there are usually at least 2 for any given food and they're often different. If you don't have a food scale buy one.

    I hovered around 143/144 too for 3 months until I finally got myself in gear and started doing the above. Good luck!

    ETA: and be patient. :flowerforyou:
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I should mention that I have started running quite regularly (I was never much of a runner before). Also, whilst my weight is going up and down, the measurements that I have taken (of my stomach, waist, hips, etc) are gradually decreasing.

    It's actually really common for weight to increase temporarily when you start a new exercise regimen because your muscles hold on to more water. So, if you've lost a pound of fat, but your muscles are holding onto an extra pound of water, that's going to show up as you not losing any weight.

    You might want to stop weighing yourself daily. Weight loss isn't linear; you'll see ups and down. The important part is that the numbers keep moving down from month to month.

    Lastly, keep in mind that the scale lies! Two women who have the same height and weight can look drastically different based on how much of that weight is muscle versus fat. Since you have so little to lose and becoming much fitter, your measurements are going to be more important than what the scale says.
  • NatalieHassett
    NatalieHassett Posts: 26 Member
    What calorie limit does MFP give you if you set it to lose .5lbs a week? Because that's really all you should be trying for with only 10-15 pounds to lose.

    With the weights given, I'm only assuming you've been at this for about 10 days? Give it a month. Eat the calories that MFP give you if you set it to lose .5lbs a week, eat back 1/2 of your exercise calories (unless you wear a HRM when you work out and know how many calories you are actually burning). Work out 3-4 times a week for about an hour at a time, 1/2 cardio, 1/2 strength training (body weight exercises unless you go to a gym and have access to heavy weights).

    Also, take measurements and pictures right now. When you only have a small amount to lose you might not see results on the scale, but you'll see results in photos and with the measuring tape.

    Try this for a month and come back and report your findings. Just don't give up. Also, patience. Rome wasn't built in a day!

    I didn't know that you could set MFP to lose .5lbs a week! What it's telling me at the moment when I complete a diary entry is that I'll weigh 136lbs in 5 weeks if I continue to eat the way I do. However...it's been saying that since I started so the 5 weeks seems to be a moving target.

    You're right, I have only been doing this for a very short period and am happy to continue with it - I don't feel that I'm missing out on food and am enjoying the exercise. I'll take on your point about eating back half of the calories obtained by exercise and see what happens!

    Thanks for your input :smile:
  • NatalieHassett
    NatalieHassett Posts: 26 Member
    I should mention that I have started running quite regularly (I was never much of a runner before). Also, whilst my weight is going up and down, the measurements that I have taken (of my stomach, waist, hips, etc) are gradually decreasing.

    It's actually really common for weight to increase temporarily when you start a new exercise regimen because your muscles hold on to more water. So, if you've lost a pound of fat, but your muscles are holding onto an extra pound of water, that's going to show up as you not losing any weight.

    You might want to stop weighing yourself daily. Weight loss isn't linear; you'll see ups and down. The important part is that the numbers keep moving down from month to month.

    Lastly, keep in mind that the scale lies! Two women who have the same height and weight can look drastically different based on how much of that weight is muscle versus fat. Since you have so little to lose and becoming much fitter, your measurements are going to be more important than what the scale says.

    *kitten* scales! :laugh:

    I have read something about your muscles storing water and figured that it may be associated with that. Also that the 'weight gain' is because I don't have enough rest days (I tend to throw myself into anything I do so I've been exercising like a machine).

    Thanks very much. :smile:
  • Maybe you're looking at your weight patterns over too short a time frame. My weight fluctuates significantly depending on the time of the month with fluid retention.

    I think what you're should be effective -- lowering caloric intake and increasing energy expenditure (exercise). There's no way you can't lose weight with this approach. I would not recommend going back to those other diets (e.g. Atkins) as they are unhealthy and not sustainable, so weight loss is usually not permanent.

    I'm in a similar situation -- need to lose about 8 lbs. Doesn't seem like much, but can be a struggle, for sure. I'm new to this 'club' so we'll see. Have done Weight Watchers in past, and this approach is similar, so I'm hopeful. My problem is, I hate exercising (even walking feels like a chore) -- so I have to paricularly watch the calories I consume.

    Hang in there!
  • pennysaurus
    pennysaurus Posts: 30 Member
    First of all 1200 cals is too little. Check out fat2fitradio.com and work out your TDEE to see what you should be eating. Secondly, stop weighing yourself EVERYDAY - pick one day a week. Thirdly, it takes time, if it was easy we wouldn't need websites like this for support.
  • NatalieHassett
    NatalieHassett Posts: 26 Member
    It is a life style change for LIFE not a diet. My weight goes up and down just like yours, I find it goes up a pound then suddenly down 2. Keep in mind water weight... take measurments that is a better indication if your body is really changing :)

    I'm completely onboard with this being a lifestyle change - I'm not in it for the short term and am enjoying the challenge :smile:

    I honestly think that the fluctuations are associated with water retention which amongst other things can be due to the amount of salt in your food. Nothing in my house goes out of the kitchen unseasoned!

    I guess I need to change my mindset - what the scales tell me doesn't matter...it's about the measurements and lose fitting clothes!

  • NatalieHassett
    NatalieHassett Posts: 26 Member
    I would not recommend going back to those other diets (e.g. Atkins) as they are unhealthy and not sustainable, so weight loss is usually not permanent.

    My problem is, I hate exercising (even walking feels like a chore) -- so I have to paricularly watch the calories I consume.

    No, definitely not going back onto any quick fix diets any more...I plan to change for life!

    Hate exercise? Try Zumba! It's fab! :smile:
  • NatalieHassett
    NatalieHassett Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for all for your input on this. Yesterday, I found out my BMR and calculated what I should be consuming from a calorie perspective. In order to maintain my weight, I should consume 2226 calories per day. From what I have read, you should reduce your calorie intake by 15-20% in order to keep your metabolism running at a good pace. I am going to change my daily calorie intake to 1500 and see how I get on.