What should I look for when buying an elliptical?

Hi! I am a busy stay at home mom and don't always have time to get to the gym and have really can't get into the work out dvd's, so I have made the decision to purchase an elliptical for my home with some of my tax return. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what to look for, or any machines they like. I would like to keep it under $800, any tips would be appreciated.


  • SouthernArt77
    SouthernArt77 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm thinking of getting one as well so am looking forward to reading replies.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    When I got mine, the main thing I looked for was compact size. They can be very big and take up a lot of space. Mine is smaller, because of that, the stride length is shorter, which is OK because it works for me - I'm short and I try to run with a shorter faster stride anyway. So check for stride length being adjustable if more than one person is using it.
  • deminimis
    deminimis Posts: 47 Member
    I've said this a couple of times (probably starting to sound like an infomercial), but I say go with the best you CAN'T afford and consider a used commercial unit. They are big and heavy, and expensive, but you'll never wear it out, it won't fall apart, they are extremely smooth and they are relatively quiet. Check Craigslist or even eHell for the best prices. As I mentioned to someone, I spent the money and bought a Precor 576I Experience for way more than I thought I should spend on a piece of equipment. Wife thought I was nuts. After having it for a while, the only thing I regret is having waited so long to get one. Zero buyer's remorse. We almost need a sign-up board at home to avoid time/use conflicts.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    The biggest, heaviest, most stable machine you can afford. For stability and safety you'll want one with a fly wheel not the rollers on a track, make sure the frame is really stable so you don't get side to side motion that will mess up your hip joints and a bonus is if it takes iFit cards so you can purchase extra workout routines. I have a Nordictrack and I love it. It folds up smaller to take up less of a footprint when not in use.
  • I agree with deminimis. I too bought a gym-quality PreCor elliptical, however, I lucked out and found it in a used sporting goods store for an absolutely stellar price...so don't forget to check in places like that too. Play It Again Sports, etc. Most of the time they'll get equipment from a gym that has recently closed so it's still in great shape. I've had mine for about seven years now and it still works just as perfectly as the day I bought it. If you have the space to go with a larger, better quality machine, do it. Remember, you get what you pay for.