Help Please 1200 calories and still hungry



  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    More protein will keep you satiated
  • hopetoachieve
    hopetoachieve Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! My first week I lost 4 pounds, but now the scale is NOT moving. I am eating 1200 calories and at times am very hungry. Especially at night. I am in my 50's. Please help me!! I need to lose 60 more pounds! I can't believe that I am not losing when I am eating this little!
  • jasonzipp
    jasonzipp Posts: 4 Member
    Load up on some green veggies, broccoli and green beans are both filling and way low on calories.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Eat. Seriously. Search the forums for HelloItsDan's "In Place of a Roadmap" sticky.

    ETA: Ah! Just noticed someone posted the link! :tongue:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Hi! My first week I lost 4 pounds, but now the scale is NOT moving. I am eating 1200 calories and at times am very hungry. Especially at night. I am in my 50's. Please help me!! I need to lose 60 more pounds! I can't believe that I am not losing when I am eating this little!
    cause you aren't eating enough. Start your own thread here and ask there.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    I set up my account probably two weeks ago, I got sick in the mean time, but I am ready to get started now that I am done with medicine.

    The issue is that I am allowed 1200 calories a day and I am still starving. Anybody have any suggestions?
    Let me guess, you're trying to lose 2lbs a week, but are under 200lbs?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    @ ninerbuff-If I am under 200lbs, what should I be shooting for if not 2 per week,. I have mine set up that way....should I be at 1 or 1.5??
    1% of your bodyweight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Thanks, I am 5'4" and I am happy to hear that I am not the only one starving. I just got worried, because I was so hungry but I am going to the gym also and feel like I am not eating enough.

    It's hard to say without knowing you, but short women do often find that they have to stay around 1200 to see any effect. Search the threads or groups for short women. In addition, most people do get hungry from time to time if they're creating a significant calorie deficit. Their bodies also adapt. But you shouldn't feel ravenous all day long or unable to function.

    I would try adding some healthy proteins and fats while keeping most of the carbs in the green vegetable category. Do that for a couple of weeks. If you can't sustain it, raise your calories to 1300.

    Also be aware that unless you are scrupulously weighing everything and all your food is a known quantity, you're probably eating more than 1200 right now. By law, the calorie estimates have some wiggle room.

    I disagree. I am 5'3" and eat 1940 a day and am losing weight. I weigh a little less than OP, but not much and am only a few years younger.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Go here and read all the post in this group. Should be very informative.

    I think 1200 is low for MOST people. Right now I am wearing my HRM for a 24 hour period (I've got about 3 hours left and I'm close to having burned 2000 already). This will give me my TDEE from which I will subtract 20% to determine my weight loss calorie limit. I am 42 years old, 5'0" tall and 151 pounds.
  • I also had the same issue and am under 200 lbs. However, I will eat a little more if I exercise and I try to incorporate more protein and healthy fats. 2 things that help control my appetite: Raw cashew nuts (in very small amounts no more than 1/4 cup per day, divided into 2 servings) and chia seeds (1TBSP 2x per day). Both of these have cut back my appetite and enable me to stay close to 1200. Now, that said, I still struggle and occasionally go over but I try to net out with my exercise calories. And in general even if I don't stick to the 1200 calories, just by logging what I eat has made me eat less and I am still losing. I just started back on MFP after the New Year so I may get sick of such a lo-cal and up it slightly at some point. The best thing to do is experiment with different foods and see the effect. Everyone is different so what works for me may not work for you but keep trying. Good luck!!!:smile:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Never eat less than your Basal Metabolic Rate - the amount of calories you need to power your organs and movement for the day.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    My most filling meals consist of a fruit or vegetable, a whole grain, protein, and a healthy fat.
    Examples: old fashioned eatmeal with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and 1 tablespoon of raisins stirred in.
    1/2 chicken breast with wild rice stuffing, peas, and a rice cake with vegetable cream cheese.

    Chew thoroughly, slow down and savor.

    And you might need a few more calories. Try 1300 for a few days, then 1400. You'll find your balance.
  • I definetly think 1200 is too low. If you want to maintain your weight loss you need to eat in a way that you can maintain long term and 1200 calories is not that. I have mine set to lose 1 lb a week which puts me at 1400 calories. But, I use a heart rate monitor and log any calories burned through exercise and eat those calories back. This is what works for me personally. But everyone is different. I started at 1370 calories but wasnt eating back exercise calories and always felt hungry. I upped my calories to 1520 a day and ate back exercise calories and that made me stall out on weight or inches lost. That is how I wound up at 1400. I used to log when i cleaned my house which is ALOT with 2 kids but now I don't unless its something out of the ordinary like moving boxes, painting, etc. Now i just log when I do power 90 or go for walks/jogs. This is what works for me. I am 5'6' and weigh 169. My scale has not moved in awhile but I am losing inches.

    It may take some tinkering with your calories but I think if you ate 1400-1500 a day right now to try and gave it at least 4 weeks and watch your measurements vs the scale you will start to find out what works for you. If you find yourself not losing anything maybe up exercise or if your losing alot and fast that means you can up your calories. Personally, I would rather lose slower so I can eat more.
  • Hi,
    My guess would be that you`re not drinking enough fluids, I force myself to drink 2 litres of water with a squeezed lemon and some calorie free sweetener every day, holds the hunger demons at bay for me. At first it was awful but have now got used to it and dont mind at all.
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    I agree. Increase your calories. I was also given 1200 when I first started and was constantly starving. I upped it to 1350 and I was much better (my husband thought so too, I was mean):smile: . Slowly increase to find that "sweet spot" but be sure to eat smart and exercise.
    Good luck.:smile:
  • jax31son
    jax31son Posts: 1 Member
    Something else to consider is to increase your water intake. Water takes up room and helps you to feel full.
  • vnovit
    vnovit Posts: 101
    Unless you are seriously obese, you probably have your weight loss per week set to high. No shame in that, most of us do exactly that when we sign up - head straight for the two pounds a week option. I know I did. I lost, but it wasn't wasn't sustainable, and probably wasn't healthy either.

    Rather than using the generic MFP advice, which isn't tailored particularly closely to your size or activity level, use the advice and tools in the following thread to create something tailored to you, which will give steady weight loss without the hunger. It will be healthier for you, result in more fat loss vs. lean mass loss and will be more sustainable once you reach your goals -

    This is such a common and well known phenomenon on MFP, that I actually saw this posted by MrsBully4 on another thread -
    Lifecycle of an MFPer

    1. Start out at 1200 calories
    2. Complain about how you're "stuffed" at 1200 calories and don't understand why everyone wants you to eat more
    3. Make a post calling out the mean people
    4. Gradually up your calorie goals when you grow tired of being "stuffed" on asparagus spears
    5. Realize that you're still losing weight and feeling much better
    6. Try to help 1200 calorie people
    7. Get called an arrogant ahole one too many times
    8. Retreat to chit-chat forum more or less permanently, only occasionally emerging to lay down a burn

    HAHAHAHAHA i love it
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi! My first week I lost 4 pounds, but now the scale is NOT moving. I am eating 1200 calories and at times am very hungry. Especially at night. I am in my 50's. Please help me!! I need to lose 60 more pounds! I can't believe that I am not losing when I am eating this little!

    Your body is trying to protect you. I'll not use the phrase 'starvation mode', but your metabolism is slowing to accommodate the lower calorie intake. Try upping to 1500 cals a day for two weeks. It's counter intuitive, but you will probably find you will start losing again.

    Even better, make a tailored plan using the following advice. If you have any problems with the tools, there are many members who will be willing to help you. Myself included, though I am less experienced than many -
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I set up my account probably two weeks ago, I got sick in the mean time, but I am ready to get started now that I am done with medicine.

    The issue is that I am allowed 1200 calories a day and I am still starving. Anybody have any suggestions?

    google "scoobys calculator" and eat at 20% below the TDEE. depending on your height/weight/activity level you just might not be eating enough. I"m eating over 2000 cals and losing weight and am rarely hungry.