Anyone come off the Dukan diet? What happened?

Dragonflag07 Posts: 64 Member
edited October 2024 in Food and Nutrition

Just a quick question. I've used the Dukan Diet to get through Christmas and New Year to avoid the usual goodies on offer. It does relax the mind and hunger pangs disappear. The weight has gradually come off - around 1lb or so a week. At the same time, I'm up to week 8 of Insanity and lifted weights 2-3 times a week in the evenings. At this point, I'm well within a healthy BMI and my b/f is 12% which I'd like to trim a little more.

I'm interested to know what happened to people who stopped Dukan - particularly if they continued to eat well and exercise as opposed to a going crazy with indulgence. Did the extra carbs mean more energy? Were you able to train better without the anaerobic cap that come with very low carbs? Or did the weight pile on?

Any comments or advice would be brilliant. I'm keen to have more foods such as muesli, brown rice and fruits to help push my training but am scared of some sort of weight gain reaction other than the 2-3lbs glycogen replenishment

Hope you can help



  • I went onto the Dukan diet in March 2012 @ 105kg. By August I was in the 76Kg zone. Since then I've become more conscious around what I eat and have generally opted out of white pasta, white rice & potato. I'll have a beer at the weekend, an occassional chocolate but in general I've changed my attitude towards food.
    I was a food junkie eating whatever, whenever and lots of it - never felt full. Now I eat slower, think about what I do and restrict alcohol (reduced amounts i.e. 2-3 pints max) to weekends.
    I never do Protein Thursdays but I weigh myself daily - if i notice an increase I cut back abit and stay on top of the situation. I put 5lb on over Christmas but pretty much ate & drank what I wanted. More or less lost that 5lb now, by close monitoring of what I eat.
    Forget all the diet plans & theories something out there will work for you (Dukan did for me) then its a case of staying on top by monitoring input of energy & outputs and you dont lose weight on the couch!
    I still maintain a protein dominated diet based around Dukan and eat fewer carbs, none the less I'm consuming carbs and enjoying life. I did do the 4 phases of Dukan but didn't fully complete the last stage relating to 5 days for every LB lost - just managed it my own way Mon - Thur's Dukan -ish Fri Sat Sun sensible eating of non processed crap and not to excess.
    Dukan is clearly a marmite product, people love it or hate it; at 49, now 50 it worked for me - go for it!
  • pattylosesit
    pattylosesit Posts: 2 Member
    Excellent advice!! I'm currently on week 4 of The Dukan Diet. I'm not missing the carbs, which is surprising, yet great. I will keep going for sure!
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