Weight Gain After Working Out....??



  • Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. Fact.

    Thats just a lie that people tell themselves to explain a gain when they've worked out but eaten like crap that week.

    1lb ofr fat or 1lb of muscle is the same thing..it is just an excuse.

    1 lb of fat or 1 lb of muscle weigh the same, but they are most definitely NOT the same thing in terms of how your body will look.

    Muscle is DENSER than fat...1 lb of muscle takes up a lot less SPACE than 1 lb of fat...the weight thing is just a bad saying someone made up and people repeat it without realizing how stupid it is...but the thought behind it is true. A 140 lb muscular person looks COMPLETELY different (and wears a completely different size clothing) than a 140 lb person with not much muscle.

    If I said bowling balls weigh more than feathers, do you assume that I'm talking about a pound of bowling balls and a pound of feathers (which would weigh the same)? I don't, and thats how I take the saying "Muscle weighs more than fat." A cup of muscle would weigh more than a cup of fat (from my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong).

    I would recommend measuring your body instead of weighing yourself if you want to see progress. Measure your arms, chest, and legs to see how much is changing over time. That way if the scale doesn't change, you will still have a way to measure your progress.
  • Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. Fact.

    Thats just a lie that people tell themselves to explain a gain when they've worked out but eaten like crap that week.

    1lb ofr fat or 1lb of muscle is the same thing..it is just an excuse.

    1 lb of fat or 1 lb of muscle weigh the same, but they are most definitely NOT the same thing in terms of how your body will look.

    Muscle is DENSER than fat...1 lb of muscle takes up a lot less SPACE than 1 lb of fat...the weight thing is just a bad saying someone made up and people repeat it without realizing how stupid it is...but the thought behind it is true. A 140 lb muscular person looks COMPLETELY different (and wears a completely different size clothing) than a 140 lb person with not much muscle.

    If I said bowling balls weigh more than feathers, do you assume that I'm talking about a pound of bowling balls and a pound of feathers (which would weigh the same)? I don't, and thats how I take the saying "Muscle weighs more than fat." A cup of muscle would weigh more than a cup of fat (from my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong).

    I would recommend measuring your body instead of weighing yourself if you want to see progress. Measure your arms, chest, and legs to see how much is changing over time. That way if the scale doesn't change, you will still have a way to measure your progress.

    Nope, you're exactly right. People just get hung up on the fact that the saying IS technically wrong, which it is....but the concept behind it is correct. Measurements, clothing size, pictures, and bodyfat percentage are all better tools than the scale. The scale is just ONE tool to measure progress. :)
  • RedHotHunter
    RedHotHunter Posts: 560 Member
    Muscle does in fact way more than fat...FACT. However to gain a pound of fat requires a surplus of about 3500 extra calories where as it takes 2500 for a pound of muscle. But muscle DOES way more than fat.

    Hmmm, you are either terrible with grammar/spelling or a witty genius. Either WAY, it made me :laugh:
  • Muscle does in fact way more than fat...FACT. However to gain a pound of fat requires a surplus of about 3500 extra calories where as it takes 2500 for a pound of muscle. But muscle DOES way more than fat.

    Hmmm, you are either terrible with grammar/spelling or a witty genius. Either WAY, it made me :laugh:

    BAHAHAH!! I thought the SAME exact thing!! This post was either sheer idiocy or sheer genius...can't figure out which... lol!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. Fact.

    Thats just a lie that people tell themselves to explain a gain when they've worked out but eaten like crap that week.

    1lb ofr fat or 1lb of muscle is the same thing..it is just an excuse.

    What is wrong with the two of you?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Don't forget too that you are burning fat and gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat! I think body % readings are more accurate. Great job losing so much! You're awesome!

    I came in here just to check if somebody "went there"


    Oh MFP, you're so predictable.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Since when did you gain the 2lb? What is your loss over the last month?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Don't forget too that you are burning fat and gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat! I think body % readings are more accurate. Great job losing so much! You're awesome!

    I came in here just to check if somebody "went there"


    Oh MFP, you're so predictable.

    :laugh: I did the same thing.

    I bet myself 5 replies.
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    Are you workin out with weights too??? you may be gaining muscle,weighs more than fat but its good weight!!! Congtats on your fantastic loss!!!
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Word of wisdom though

    dont expect to fit into tight fitting clothes that fitted you before your 'gym experience'

    I got caught by being unable to put on skinny jeans cause of the 'post workout bloat'

    its just your body repairing itself and holding onto water
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Are you workin out with weights too??? you may be gaining muscle,weighs more than fat but its good weight!!! Congtats on your fantastic loss!!!

    Not 2lbs worth.

  • o2bADyer
    o2bADyer Posts: 208
    Please have the knowledge before you just throw your "thoughts" out there. Some people truly need answers and your best "guess" or "assumption" isn't going to help them. (just sayin')
  • This is a timely topic, as I just went through this a couple weeks ago. The first week, I put on 0.2 pounds, which is nothing really. However, I figured it was because I had a busy week and was eating a lot of fast food...like more than I had since I started this in February. So I tried upping my exercise and the next week, I gained another 0.2 pounds. Again, a half-pound gain is nothing, but I was still panicking. I thought maybe I was overdoing it, and alternated my cardio/strength days with days where I just did Zumba or took a walk, no more than hour with no strength. I also tried to watch my calories carefully just in case.

    Today, I got on the scale and lost two pounds. I still had a cardio+strength day today, but tomorrow, I'll just do cardio.