Midget, chubby Asian in need of support lol

Hopefully the title was eyecatching lol! I'm 5"3 and 140lbs and want to lose about 20lbs. I'm the dreaded apple shape, so most my fat is on my belly :(

I know it doesn't seem much weight, but believe me it is on a short person like me.

Add me if you are in similar position or have reached that goal and want to inspire me.. I'd appreciate it so much! :) x


  • Itzli
    Itzli Posts: 78 Member
    Added u. Welcome. :smile:
  • Moonlight17
    Moonlight17 Posts: 173 Member
    Thank you <3 You are awesome! Can't wait to get to know you better xxxx
  • bodypumpfan
    bodypumpfan Posts: 12 Member
    your doing well you have lost so much congrats
  • Hi Love...I started at 145lbs and I'm 5'2", you can do this....and I'm half asian..lol Feel free to add me :)
  • I added you :D
    I'm 5'5" and I wanna lose 20 pounds as well. We can do this yay!
    ps. I'm asian too
  • chippopot
    chippopot Posts: 8 Member
    hey. i'm adding as well. i'm also 5'5"...wanting to lose about 20 more lbs...and asian =)
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Hey I read ur blog U decided to start 30day shred did u do it how ws the experience ???
  • I totally know what you mean by sounding like you'd be normal weight but not looking like that at all because of our heights x.x
    I have around 20-30 pounds to lose as well :(
  • rudarbe
    rudarbe Posts: 164 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I was a 230 lbs. I looked like a fat pear. Don't worry girl, you'll never be as bad as I was LOL! We can reach new heights together!! :D
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    lol cute
  • Moonlight17
    Moonlight17 Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks for the adds beautiful people and for the inspiring words! Can't wait to go through this amazing journey with you all :) x