Anybody not counting claories?



  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    If I am eating any food I like including my favorites, then I definitely track.

    But if I am doing a low calorie diet then I don't have to because I can't possibly eat too much meat and the low carbs doesn't allow for much else.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member

    If you have no patience for calorie counting, you could go by "Recommended servings" per food group. The Canadian Food Guide has a PDF or printable version. Based on gender/age, it will tell you how much of each food group you should get and what constitues "a serving" for certain foods (1 cup, 1/2 cup, 2 tbsps, etc). I used to go by that (as well as count calories) but I would say eat less Grains than they recommend (I find 5-10 servings is a lot).

    From what I remember, the guide for women 19-30yrs is something like

    5-10 servings of grain
    7-8 servings of fruits/veggies
    2-3 servings of meat
    2-3 servings of dairy
    And there might be a tiny category for healthy fats/oils (Avocado, olive oil, etc).

    It sort of controls for calories/fat intake by requiring you to have more healthy carbs/veggies and less meat/dairy (Meat/dairy could be very high calorie depending what it is like steak & ice cream). Food that doesn't really fit into a food group (Like chips, soda, m&m's and twinkies) are not part of the food recommendations so that would automatically lower calories as well.