Meal Planning

Looking for someone to assist me with meal planning :smile:


  • there are many meal plans online :)

    what are you trying to do with your body, loose weight / gain muscle?
  • i LOVE meal planning. every weekend I spend half an hour and plan out my next weeks meals.
    I dont have anything fancy I just made a table on oen note or word with the 7 days down the side and the titles Breakfast,snack, lunch, snack, dinner and commitments on the top. Its useful cos i can plan easy meals for nights i wanna go to gym afetr work and more intricate ones on other nights.

    I then write a shopping liost and ONLY buy those things (as well as some staples in cupboard) so as i have to stick to my plan and not splurge out. its really helped me increase my fruit and veg to 2 fruit and 5 veg a day cos its planned out and gave me space for treats cos I already know what the rerst of the day holds for me

    In saying that i also say yes once in a while for a cookie for afternoon tea instead of what ive planned but we have to be flexible sometimes!!!

    in summary saved me money, made better choices and there has been balance between junk and 'diet' meals for me and my husband :)

    Feel free to add me and ask any questiosn you want
