1 Week Down, a lifetime to go... and loving it!



  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    Ten tips I've learned on my journey (which has been a long one since this is my second time losing weight)...

    1. Log everything everyday and be honest about it. If you cheat, you're only cheating yourself. If you think "I don't want my MFP friends to see me eating this," then maybe you just shouldn't eat it. (Or maybe you should eat it because you've worked out like a beast today so you can.)
    2. Don't deprive yourself or think of this as a diet. This is a lifestyle change. You can still eat whatever you want, just with some small changes like smaller portion sizes of the high calorie treats.
    3. Don't reward yourself with food. You are not a dog.
    4. Move it! Go for walks, take the stairs over the elevator, hit the gym, whatever. But make it fun. Find something you like doing so you can stick with it over the long term. Again, this is a lifestyle change.
    5. Overestimate your food calories when logging. Underestimate your exercise calories when logging.
    6. If you mess up (and you will), don't worry about it too much. Lesson learned. Make your next choice a healthy one.
    7. Be patient. You gained weight slowly and it will take even longer to lose it. If you start to lose motivation, come to MFP and find some more.
    8. Surround yourself with inspiration - befriend inspirational people, follow inspirational pages on facebook/pinterest/twitter, look for success stories and other things online regularly.
    9. It's not over when you reach your goals. You can gain weight back. Losing it is only half the battle. Maintenance is just as important, if not moreso, than the weight loss itself.
    10. You are not a number. There is so much more to you than the number on the scale. Your self worth is not defined by your weight. Taking care of your body is important, but taking care of your mind and soul are important too.