Train to run? jog?

here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I would like to start running/jogging but have no idea how to start. I have never ran before. How do you train to be a "runner?" Thanks all!



  • daggas66
    daggas66 Posts: 2 Member
    If you haven't ran for some time (or never ran at all), then I would recommend the Couch to 5K (also abbreviated to C25K). Its a 9 week course whereby you run 3 times a week, but it starts nice and gentle for the first few weeks with plenty of walking. By the end of week 9 the aim is to run 5K without having to walk.

    Search online, but I know there is a (free) download on itunes, that you can load onto an ipod or any mp3 player, and also a number of apps available for the iphone, and I suspect a number of other smartphones as well.

    Good luck!
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I started my own (made-up) program in January. I set my goal to work at it 5 days a week. I started out on the slow side and gradually added speed. Right now I am up to 2.5 miles in 32 minutes. Not too bad for a 50 year old granny!
    I totally agree with getting some music is a tremendous tool in keeping motivated.
    Good luck!

    Jan AKA PoeRaven
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Do a Google search for beginner running programs. It should start off with run/walk workouts and ease you (several weeks) into full running workouts. Jeff Galloway is good, as well as the C25K has been getting great reviews. Good luck to you.

    Always remember you don't have to be fast to be a runner, you just have to run.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I started the c25k program on Monday. I must say as a person who has never really run in my life I really enjoyed it. It really helps guide you in slowly! Give it a try.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I tried the couch25K program but honestly it didn't really work for me. I found that it started out a little too slow, but then accelerated too quickly. Granted you can follow it at your own speed, repeating each week twice, for example. But I just made up my own routine and it's been working well for me. However everyone goes at their own speed, I have been running for almost six months now and I still cannot run for more than 7 minutes at a time, which is why the program didn't really work for me because going by their goals (running almost 4 miles without walking in 2.5 months) would make me feel like a failure.

    Just start running at a slow to moderate pace and see how you feel. Set yourself goals like running for one full minute....if that's too easy for you increase it to 3-5 and then keep increasing whenever you feel you've mastered your current routine. I started off running for 5 minutes, starting at 4.5mph and increased .1 with each minute, topping out at 5.0 (I have short legs so this seemed like breakneck speed to me). I now run for 8 minutes straight each time, starting at 4.9mph and topping out at 6.0. I walk for 2 minutes and then run for 8 minutes, and so on for a total of 34 minutes.

    Though if you've never ran before, I would advise that you start on a treadmill, or at least an outdoor or indoor cushy track. I've been running on the treadmill for months and just started running outside and it is a LOT harder.
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    I was lucky enough to have a person take me to the park and ride beside me for my first ever run. He kept saying "slow down, slow down, slow down". I ran 3km chatting all the way. My point DON'T START OUT TOO FAST. If it hurts you won't continue. That first run felt ridiculously slow but I have been at it for over 15 years now. A fantastic cheap sport you can do anywhere. Great weight control. Good luck!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Okay, so I downloaded the c25k on my mp3 and went outside. ran the first minute and then after that could not run any of the next intervals to the end of the minute. I was out of breath and had to keep walking instead and ran when I could. Is this okay or does it mean I am not cut out for running? I really want to do this because I know it's a great way to keep in shape.

    Also, how long should you wait to run after eating? Thanks again everyone!!

  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Okay, so I downloaded the c25k on my mp3 and went outside. ran the first minute and then after that could not run any of the next intervals to the end of the minute. I was out of breath and had to keep walking instead and ran when I could. Is this okay or does it mean I am not cut out for running? I really want to do this because I know it's a great way to keep in shape.

    Also, how long should you wait to run after eating? Thanks again everyone!!


    Just do what you can do, because if you push yourself too hard and quickly, you'll hate it and not want to do it. When I first started on my weightloss journey, I could not even walk at a brisk pace without getting horrible shin pain. Now I can run in intervals of 8 minutes of straight running and I am doing a 5K in a few weeks.

    I personally cannot run until its been a couple hours after eating. Otherwise the food kind of sits like a rock and I get a pain in my side.
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    You are running too fast!!! Jog SERIOUSLY slowly and it should be painless.

    Running after food is very person dependent. I can run immediately (actually, I don't run, I jog) after food, many people need to wait a while.

    It IS a great sport. Remember slow, slow, slow. Good luck. I'm following your progress!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    C25K TOTALLY worked for me. I ran 20 minutes straight today which is amazing for me. I have even decided to sign up for a 5K because of it.

    Just stick with the program and it will do wonders!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Okay, so I downloaded the c25k on my mp3 and went outside. ran the first minute and then after that could not run any of the next intervals to the end of the minute. I was out of breath and had to keep walking instead and ran when I could. Is this okay or does it mean I am not cut out for running? I really want to do this because I know it's a great way to keep in shape.

    Also, how long should you wait to run after eating? Thanks again everyone!!


    That sounds exactly like my first day of C25K. I found out two things: One, I was running too fast. Try something that feels like a jog, rather than a sprint. Two: It was too cold out to run. I don't know how cold it is where you are, so I don't know if that's relevant, but I started in late Jan/early Feb and it was so cold out that I was spending as much energy shivering as I was running. But basically, just stick with it!

    About eating - wait at least 30 minutes, but not too much longer than that. There's a fine line between not wanting to throw up, but also wanting the fuel you've made available by eating. I like to eat a piece of fruit before my runs, and drink chocolate milk after. (Studies show that chocolate milk is basically the ideal recovery food, because of the mix of good proteins, carbs, and fats.) And of course, stay hydrated!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Good for you! I'm replying to this because for a long time I had a secret dream of being able to "run" but I didn't think someone like me could. Why not, I'm not exactly sure.

    I found Cto5K program on here and a supportive thread and just started doing it. That was in July. Eight months later, I'm still running. Today I went for a 3.3 mile "run" (it's really a jog) and I still feel so proud for breaking through the "I can't" barrier.

    You will get there too! Believe in yourself and find a support thread on here. If you do Cto5K, do a google search for "Suz Couch to 5K podcast". Her music choices aren't for everyone but I enjoyed it. She gives little pep-talks too - which helps immensely.

    Good luck and HAVE FUN!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am still on W1D1 of the I care? Not a wit, because I am moving!!

    Just remember to STRETCH!! Oh goodness how I was in pain from not doing my 5 minute stretch at the end.

    Hold your stretches for 15-30 NOT bounce.

    Good luck to you!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I started the C25K program in Nov and my first day was like yours. After reading posts from others, I realized I was trying to run too fast. Power walk in between and make the run a slow jog - the advice given to me was take your slow jog and slow it down a little more. I finished C25K in Jan and was so happy. I am not a speed demon but can now do 13 min 20 sec miles (pace of 4.5mph) for 3.1 miles (5K). I had to do some training on the treadmill and power walked at 3.0 (20 min mile) and jogged at (4.5 mph)... Now that nice weather is here, I've had to adjust to jogging outside and constantly have to remind myself to slow down. When I finished C25K training, I could run/jog for the 31 min but was no where near 3 miles. I just kept adding 3 min a week until I could do 3.1 miles.

    When you get short of breath, think about relaxing your shoulders, take deep breaths in through your nose and slowly let it out through your mouth. I think C25K is a great way to go so that you don't overdo it. It is okay to repeat weeks - we all do it. Have fun and just get moving:bigsmile:
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Thank you everyone!! My goodness, I can't tell you how much I appreciate so many people responding and offering advice and support! You guys are great!! I will slow down and keep at it. I'm heading back outside tomorrow for day 2. I will most likely repeat the weeks as well. It went from being beautiful here to being cold.I so hope it is not too cold to go out for a walk/jog tomorrow. I live in MO. and the weather is so unpredictable lately.

    Thank you so much all of you!! You rock! Everyone have a GREAT day and God bless!

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Thank you everyone!! My goodness, I can't tell you how much I appreciate so many people responding and offering advice and support! You guys are great!! I will slow down and keep at it. I'm heading back outside tomorrow for day 2. I will most likely repeat the weeks as well. It went from being beautiful here to being cold.I so hope it is not too cold to go out for a walk/jog tomorrow. I live in MO. and the weather is so unpredictable lately.

    Thank you so much all of you!! You rock! Everyone have a GREAT day and God bless!


    My advice follows along the same lines as everyone else.

    1. SLOW DOWN. My running mate kept telling me I was running out of breath so quickly because I was running too fast. When I slowed down a reasonably SLOW JOG, I was able to go much longer. Start by working on endurance, not speed. The speed will come later.

    --- If you are running outdoors, it is hard to tell how fast you are running. I wish I could give you a scientific way to calculate, but my slow jog isn't much faster than a speed walker, lol. I feel like a hippo -- BOOM.... BOOM.... BOOM... with each footfall, but trust me, SLOWLY WORKS.

    2. If you found you couldn't make it through one day of the C25K program, just repeat it. No one says you have to do it in 9 weeks. Take it at your own pace, modify it where you need to. I agree with Amy that it moves into longer runs too quickly. Modify it to fit your own pace.

    3. DO NOT FORGET TO STRETCH!!!!! For me, stretching afterwards is the ONLY way I am able to move the following day. A good cool down stretch is worth its weight in gold. If you have time, after running, do a small yoga session. My stretches are all based on yoga positions.

    4. SHOES. Make sure you are wearing good shoes.

    5. ENJOY YOURSELF. If you are running and feeling ragged, stressed and disappointed, then change up what you are doing. Enjoy the scenery, enjoy the music, enjoy feeling your body float along (and if you jog the speed I do, then you are barely moving forward, haha).
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    I would like to start running/jogging but have no idea how to start. I have never ran before. How do you train to be a "runner?" Thanks all!


    i THOUGHT THE SAME THING 69 DAYS AGO....January 1st i quit smoking and needed something to help keep my mind off it. I was doing intervals on the treadmil but could go further than 3 mins at a 5mph pace when i started....i started at 3min @5mph, then walk for 2 min at 3.5, then run 4 min at 5mph, walk for 2 at 3.5, run for 5 min at 5mph...and so forth until you reach about 20-30 min. I swear if you add one min to each interval each time next thing you know you pushed yourself to run for 10min straight! Now i am up to running (jogging) 10 miles without stopping...I NEVER thought i could do it! i am proof you can do anything you put your mind too...IN FACT, i am running my first 1/2 Marathon this Sunday....even with an foot injury that just occured. YOU HAVE TO PUT YOUR MIND TO IT!!!! Its like NIKE says JUST DO IT!!!! :bigsmile:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Okay, so I downloaded the c25k on my mp3 and went outside. ran the first minute and then after that could not run any of the next intervals to the end of the minute. I was out of breath and had to keep walking instead and ran when I could. Is this okay or does it mean I am not cut out for running? I really want to do this because I know it's a great way to keep in shape.

    Also, how long should you wait to run after eating? Thanks again everyone!!


    it took me four weeks to complete week one of the program. everyone told me to slow down too but i liked the speed i was running (when i was running. lol). the first week i was able to do five of the eight minutes, the second week i moved up to six minutes, the third week i did seven minutes, and the fourth week i did all eight. it was really easy at that point to move on. week four in the program also stalled me out and i had to repeat that for four weeks too. :) work at your own pace. you WILL be able to do this!!!
  • Try a combination of walking and jogging. Example: jog for 5min. walk for 3min. Bring a watch so you could time yourself. For the first week start off with something like 27 minutes of walking (3min.) and jogging (5min). Have Fun :)
    P.S it helps if you have music while jogging. Then you won’t feel like you’re torturing yourself.
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