Wants to be fit mama!

I admit I am lazy. I love to eat and sit around the house: homeschooling, making yummy treats and snuggling. But, I simply cannot continue on in this fashion. I have lost major weight before and can do this...again. See, every time I think...again, it feels so depressing. I wish it would just go away and stay away. That even after the weight is gone I would not fall back into my jogging pants and fudge eating ways.
So, yeah. I am a mom of three wonderful children and wife of an amazing man. 5'7", 200lbs. My weight has always been in my backside and chest, not bad in my husbands eyes. But for me, I can feel the limits of my body with the weight I carry. My knees and back hurt and I just cannot play like the kids do. I can run a 5k in 40. I can workout. But, the food.....oh, the yummy tasty foods. Those delicious concoctions out there will bring me down so quick.
I have found that I thrive on Paleo. Did my absolute best, felt wonderful and had so much energy eating paleo with dairy. Hard to afford though with three growing boys in the house.
Anyone else out there doing 1200 calories, supreme 90 and couch to 5k?


  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Hi, I understand completely I have a home daycare and it is so easy to just lay around when the kisa are napping I am trying to change that, we can help each other
  • GoffGirl1029
    GoffGirl1029 Posts: 93 Member
    I want to be a fit mama as well! I am doing more calories simply because I am still breastfeeding my baby, but I am doing C25K, if the weather ever slacks up! And I have done Supreme 90 before for short stints of time. I'm actually lookin' for a way to work it back into my workout regimen...feel free to add me if you'd like!