Should I take protein after cardio workout?

I was wondering if I should only have protein after I weight lift or can I/ should I have some after doing cardio in my case Zumba? Is it still beneficial to me after doing cardio? Thanks!


  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    It's beneficial if you will not get enough protein otherwise. Take protein powder as a convenience food to help you hit your daily protein target. Zumba has nothing to do with protein powder.
  • Charweezie
    Charweezie Posts: 115 Member
    I've been taking my Protein shakes in the morning to help kick start my day and after my workouts to help replace and rebuild. This was suggested to me by a trainer btw ;) good luck!!! add me if you'd like!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If you need it to hit your protein goal, then yes, there's benefit to it regardless of workout. If you don't need it to hit your goal, then I wouldn't worry about it.