Perpetual Hunger?



  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    It might be a hormonal imbalance of some sort. I am crazy insatiably hungry the week before my period. I know you don't have periods, but men and women have all the same hormones... just in different proportions. Also, it could be psychological, a symptom of depression or stress eating. Also, you might not have enough fat in your diet. I find high fat foods (rather than high carb foods as you were mentioning) can sometimes kick that crazy hunger down.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Well I noticed that you eat less than 1600 calories a day. That sounds like a reason to be hungry. Also, it looks like you are getting very close to your goal. If you have less than 20 pounds to lose, then you should decrease your deficit anyway and just be patient. It will take longer to lose a pound, but those last few pounds are usually the hardest to lose.

    I eat 1900 calories a day and still have to make sure I get enough protein and fiber to prevent hunger. When I have eaten less then 1600, I get weak and dizzy.

    ETA: And you are a 25 year old young man. It's hard to imagine that your TDEE is that low at your age. If your doctor says there is no medical reason, then try eating at your TDEE for a couple of weeks, then do a 10% cut and be patient.

    Um, does my profile not specify that I'm female? O_o I only WISH I could eat like a guy... Seriously. And forget it on the week of my period I just want to eat everything in sight haha.

    My goal is set to something that I would call "reevaluation goal" and not my terminal goal. Not that only weight matters, but at 5'6" I don't think 180lbs is an end to the struggle. I wish cucumber was in season and not 3$ each right now. Fresh fruits (especially berries) get so expensive during winter :(

    I'm not on any meds. Was checked for Diabetes and hypothyroidism a few times in the past couple years and everything always comes back clean. I lost 50lbs in 2 years which I don't think is that crazy, and technically I'm not starving. Just can't get the hunger signal in my brain to shut off. My energy levels are fine, even better now that I practically ruled out caffeine.

    I actually haven't had any issues today, but that might be due to my breakfast making me feel a little ugh. Dem eggs :|

    You guys did give me a good idea: I'll start taking notes of when exactly the hunger strikes after meals. Maybe I can pinpoint what causes it and what helps. MOAR LOGGING!
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    i think this happens with more frequent meals-at least it does in my case. but also it happens to me when i dont get enough fats. if i have a nice amount of peanut butter (2tbsp.) on something it usually works better for me.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    You may be diabetic. Common symptoms include polyphagia polydipsia and polyuria: excessive hunger, thirst and urination. I'm glad you are seeing a doctor. Best of luck to you!
  • chubbychristianchick
    I will tell you something my doctor told me. There is a difference between full and satisfied. I can eat tons of veg and be full but I still want more. My body isn't satisfied. According to my doctor basically my mind is playing a trick on me because it's used to eating a candy bar at lets say 3pm everyday at 3pm even though i'm stuffed to the gills with salad I still feel like I'm starving. So you have to learn to trick your mind back basically now instead of a candy bar I have a sweet flavored herbal tea. That usually satisfies me until lunch. Also according to my doctor I have to learn to 'really feel hunger'. Whatever that means! Then again this is the same doctor who says the cure for all my illness is to be skinny!
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member

    ETA: And you are a 25 year old young man. It's hard to imagine that your TDEE is that low at your age. If your doctor says there is no medical reason, then try eating at your TDEE for a couple of weeks, then do a 10% cut and be patient.

    Um, does my profile not specify that I'm female? O_o I only WISH I could eat like a guy... Seriously. And forget it on the week of my period I just want to eat everything in sight haha.

    BWAHAHAHA that tiny thumbnail photo tricked a lot of us i think. good luck w/ the Dr...i had this issue for awhile and eventually i just had to start being hungry sometimes and not eating all the time. it sounds like you have a firm eating schedule in place though, so perhaps it's not the same issue. the craving for sugar/starch makes me think it's a blood sugar issue, so i'd be interested to hear what the Dr says if you care to update us.
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    You could try upping the exercise, that always helps me.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Make sure to tell the doctors you want to be checked for HYPOglycemia