Hi, Im lisa...starting over AGAIN!

I am 35 and a married stay at home mom of 4. Ages 4 months, 3 years, 12 years, and 14. The only time i KNOW I can workout is at night after the kiddos go to bed. My husband has just started working out with me. He's a great motivator...love him! we are in the together. I love Jillian Michael's and have been doing her 30 day shred off and on for a few years. I also like the biggest looser last chance workout. Ive been working out 4 times a week for the last 3 weeks. Ive gained 5 pounds!! How frustrating!! Now, im working on the eating right part.
With that being said, this is where I need help! Being a stay at home mom....im so tempted to snack and eat all day long! I need to start tracking my calories! Maybe that will be the wake up call.
I am brand new to this web site and tracking calories. It would be awesome to have someone friends to help show me the ropes. I would love to be able to return the favor in the future some someone like myself.
Here I go....190lbs and 40 to lose!!! :happy:
Oh yea, my motivation is for a mommy makeover! :wink: Once I get to 150....Im getting one!! yay!


  • jlambert77
    jlambert77 Posts: 77 Member
    we have a lot in common and I'm looking for some friends for accountability too!
    I'm 35, 3 littles, 8-6-5 :) I stay at home, but I can work out during the day, seeing as my three are now all school-aged :)
    I LOVE Jillian Michaels...I love her in your face attitude and I love the Biggest Loser workouts too..I have 3 of their dvds.. :)

    Add me if you'd like..I'm trying to get back on track!! :)