Vegan Buddies w/open diaries!~



  • toymart83
    i know most vegans dont eat any animal products...i dont eat dairy except organic shredded pepper jack cheese and i eat lean meats twice a week but i eat low sugar, low carb low calorie foods, and i try to get as much organic and non processed as possible want to transition to raw foodist.
  • stephvaile
    i know most vegans dont eat any animal products...i dont eat dairy except organic shredded pepper jack cheese and i eat lean meats twice a week but i eat low sugar, low carb low calorie foods, and i try to get as much organic and non processed as possible want to transition to raw foodist.

    a vegetarian does not eat (at all) any meat fish or poultry not even once a week

    a vegan as absoloutly nothing animal or tested on animals again not even if its lean or not or even once a week (not even cheese ) unless its dairy free cheese obviously .

    im sure you have a lot of support to give the op but you do not eat nearly vegan and im sorry if u feel i am being rude but it really annoys me when people say they are vegetarian or vegan and then eat meat twice a week
  • toymart83
    im what's called a flexitarian semi vegetarian
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    I see where stephvaile is coming from. Being truly vegan is soooo hard. Did you know that most things fortified with vitamin d aren't vegan? D3 comes from sheeps wool. Most breads from the supermarket contain honey or milk or d3. I bought vitamin d2 supplements which is vegan (I have low vitamin d). I think the longest I went vegan for is 6 weeks, and I have a ton of respect for people that are truly vegan.
  • toymart83
    I never claimed to be vegetarian so i dont get his defensiveness
    The flexitarian diet is a modified vegetarian diet that includes the occasional consumption of meat. Flexitarians might eat meat on a formal basis for nutritional purposes, or more loosely for occasional enjoyment or special occasions. In 2003 the American Dialect Society chose “flexitarian” as the most useful word of the year, indicating the growth of this group. Flexitarianism is noted for both its health and environmental benefits.

    Many flexitarians devote a certain number of meals per week to vegetarian food. Try starting with one vegetarian meal each week on a consistent basis. Remember that it takes around four pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat, so every way you can limit meat consumption is helpful to the environment. Remember, too, that flexitarianism is precisely that—flexible. Whatever works for you to help stay healthy and reduce your impact on the environment is a positive thing, regardless of the extent to which you perform it.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hi you can add me. My diary is open and most of my days are vegan.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I never claimed to be vegetarian so i dont get his defensiveness
    The flexitarian diet is a modified vegetarian diet that includes the occasional consumption of meat. Flexitarians might eat meat on a formal basis for nutritional purposes, or more loosely for occasional enjoyment or special occasions. In 2003 the American Dialect Society chose “flexitarian” as the most useful word of the year, indicating the growth of this group. Flexitarianism is noted for both its health and environmental benefits.

    Many flexitarians devote a certain number of meals per week to vegetarian food. Try starting with one vegetarian meal each week on a consistent basis. Remember that it takes around four pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat, so every way you can limit meat consumption is helpful to the environment. Remember, too, that flexitarianism is precisely that—flexible. Whatever works for you to help stay healthy and reduce your impact on the environment is a positive thing, regardless of the extent to which you perform it.

    Well said!
  • stephvaile
    I never claimed to be vegetarian so i dont get his defensiveness
    The flexitarian diet is a modified vegetarian diet that includes the occasional consumption of meat. Flexitarians might eat meat on a formal basis for nutritional purposes, or more loosely for occasional enjoyment or special occasions. In 2003 the American Dialect Society chose “flexitarian” as the most useful word of the year, indicating the growth of this group. Flexitarianism is noted for both its health and environmental benefits.

    Many flexitarians devote a certain number of meals per week to vegetarian food. Try starting with one vegetarian meal each week on a consistent basis. Remember that it takes around four pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat, so every way you can limit meat consumption is helpful to the environment. Remember, too, that flexitarianism is precisely that—flexible. Whatever works for you to help stay healthy and reduce your impact on the environment is a positive thing, regardless of the extent to which you perform it.

    i am actually a she lol x and actually u claimed to be almost vegan reread your post .

    it is very very hard to be a true vegan and most people do it because of animal issues (cruelty extra ) and you have to put alot of effort and planning into getting the right nutritional needs i think that is y the op wants similar buddies to give her good ideas into how to do just that .

    i myself love milk egg and and cheese products and so that would not help her at all .

    i wish her luck on her lifestyle choice .

    but you can call yourself what ever you like but in the real meaning of the words you are not vegetarian or vegan or even almost if you still eat meat . you are still a meat eater if u eat meat and fish and poultry however many times a week it is .

    having said that i believe you can have a healthy / or a bad diet wether you eat meat or not both lifestyles are as good as the eater makes it .
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I am not a vegan myself but I am on the Maker's diet that encourages me to eat what God made and eat as natural as possible but would love some vegan buddies to give me ideas on more veggie ideas as opposed to tofu or soy
  • toymart83
    i never said that i was almost vegan but that i eat a mostly vegan diet take it how you want
  • NancyPantsLupinski
    NancyPantsLupinski Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there! I am trying to stick to a workday vegan diet. I work in a restaurant/bakery so it is the best way to keep myself in check! I am trying to incorporate some lean proteins though as my husband and I just took on a huge bill and I need to cut back on some of the stuff I buy! However I am happy to swap recipe ideas and do whatever I can to help!
    Add me!
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    OP- sent you a request! I've been vegan for nearly 4 years, love it, am all the better for it, and unlike everyone else I seem to find it easy, haha. (:
  • oDapho
    oDapho Posts: 50
    I'm trying to transition to veganism.. I've been a vegetarian for nearly 3 years. Sending you a friend request :D
  • MegWilbe
    MegWilbe Posts: 56 Member
    Thank You everyone for your comments and friend requests!~ Your info has been very helpful. For me I think where I am coming from has effected my motivation. I tried to be vegan last year because of health reasons, this time around its more about the effect animals production is having on us and the world. No Soap Box just explaining, so now its been a lot easier. As in Im not dreaming about
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    You can add me! 90% of my meals are vegan. My husband is vegan and since I cook for the two of us that is how I eat most of the time. Diary is totally open. I really like having a strong veggie support group of friends.
  • rudarbe
    rudarbe Posts: 164 Member
    Sweet! I'm a vegetarian, I just started about a week ago and I'm planning to live the rest of my life like this. I already added you and I just put my diary to open. My entires aren't really versatile, I usually eat the same salad and juice the same fruits and vegetables all the time but I'm also looking for other healthy dishes I can come up with!!
  • artzly
    artzly Posts: 1
    Add me too! I'm doing my best to lead an entirely plant-based lifestyle. I live in Athens and my Greek isn't perfect, so I occasionally find I eat something that has yogurt or cheese simply because I didn't do a good enough job of making my dietary preferences known to to the server. I don't beat myself up over it, though, because I do the best I can, and my kitchen is a vegan kitchen! Thankfully Greece is the land of plentiful vegetables, legumes and olive oil - it's easy to be plant-based here! Anyway, I'm looking to connect with other vegans because many Greeks don't understand why I eat the way I do (for my health!) and I don't always find much support. If you're interested, Forks Over Knives is a great film to watch if you'd like to explore the health benefits of a vegan diet!