Type 1 Diabetes?



  • kez2108
    kez2108 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a 6yo daughter with T1 (diagnosed aged 2) and my husband also has T1 (diagnosed aged 31, just before our wedding). Our 7yo son is D-free but we keep a very close eye on him!
  • lauranell79
    lauranell79 Posts: 31 Member
    ok this is first time I'm replying in a quote. Hope I'm doing this right! Laurenell, it's very encouraging to meet you having had diabetes your whole life. Other mom's of T1D kids tell me it's sort of a blessing that my son was diagnosed so young. They say he won't remember any other way. Of course, I see you have had diabetes since you were very young and your teen years were still challenging. Hopefully, he will not feel so different. We were fortunate enough to have been introduced to another family in our community who has a boy my son's age with T1D. I'm hoping that they can grow up as buddies, and I hope that will help them both in their teen years. Thanks again!

    That's the way I look at it... I haven't known any other lifestyle. I don't remember not being diabetic so not having to go from regular coke and sweets to not having them was not a challenge for me. It's different now days especially being on the pump and basically being able to partake in eating sweets so my challeges as a teen were because times were different and i wasn't on a pump. Society still cracks me up when I hear "oh you're not supposed to be eating that are you?" It always helps to have young friends who go through the same things! :)
  • lauranell79
    lauranell79 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi- I'm dad to a 12yo daughter with Type1 since she was 8 and she also uses the Omnipod so any other T1 or T1 parents feel free to add me.

    How does she like the omnipod?? I've thought about switching from Minimed but I'm afraid it would be bulky under clothes. will be good to get an opinion from another "lady".

    My daughter loves the Omnipod. She is in dance and sports and it's nice with a little planning you can place the pods on the arm or the belly or the hip depending on what she will be doing and/or wearing. I also heard the next generation of Pods was finally FDA approved (or almost approved) which is possibly smaller and maybe has a built in CGM? Not 100% sure on that one but I know it's been in the works for a while.

    The new Omnipod is noticeably smaller, but rumor has it that they've abandoned CGM integration...

    Another website I really like is http://www.tudiabetes.org - very active forums and helpful people.

    Good info from both... I will keep these in mind. And thanks for the informative website!!
  • Sweetie1429
    Sweetie1429 Posts: 24 Member
    T1d omni pod user...would love to add you