Back to MFP after Way Too Long!

Back about a year ago, I used MFP religiously and lost about 20 pounds. However, I began working two jobs and I felt so busy and stressed out that I didn't log my food anymore or exercise. Oh, and on top of that, I turned 21 and began going out for drinks... that definitely did not help the waist line. Anyways, I'm BACK. I finally got up the courage to weigh myself and realized I had gained back all the weight that I had lost... such a wake-up call. I began a blog and have been exercising and tracking my food this last week, and I'm ready to do this for the long haul! I've lost 4 pounds since last week! I need some friendly people to help motivate me, and that I can also motivate in return :) Feel free to add me!

Oh, and if you're interested, you can check out my blog: