I dont want to be the fat bridesmaid!

Hi Everyone! My name is Erin, I started low carb, high protein dieting 8 days ago, so far its a success, down 4.4lbs as of today! I currently weight 193lbs and I am 5'1". My brother is getting married Aug 24th and I am the maid of honor, the bride and all other bridesmaids are all a size 6 and under. My biggest fear is being the fat one in all the wedding pictures. I am only 8 days into my weight loss and I'm worried I will go off track like I always do after a week or two. Looking for all the suggestions and motivation I can get!! My goal is to be 150lbs for the wedding and ultimately get down to 130lbs.


  • fiwobble81
    fiwobble81 Posts: 5 Member
    I am also trying not to be the fat bridesmaid, I feel your pain! Looking to drop about 8 lbs by March, but it's slow going. I have signed up for some personal trainer sessions, she suggested I take photos (front, sides, back) so I can see my progress. *eek*
  • erinsundberg
    erinsundberg Posts: 26 Member
    Apparently the pictures really work! I have a friend who used to be over 300lbs he is now a personal trainer and competes in body building competitions, he told me the same thing, take pics of yourself in your underwear and stick them on the fridge so you're forced to look at them daily. I'm sure its amazing idea, but i have no desire to see myself in my underwear and I'm sure my kids don't either lol
  • mogzBH
    mogzBH Posts: 50
    I feel your pain, I'm trying not to be the fat bride! My gorgeous man and I are getting married in July and I want to shift at least 3 stone by then, could do with some pals to help motivate, and possibly nag, me!
  • erinsundberg
    erinsundberg Posts: 26 Member
    lol deal! lets nag each other!! congrats on the upcoming wedding!
  • judyrumbold
    I was asked to be a bridesmaid at the age of 51 along with my daughter aged18! She is half my size and I am dreading it too hence the diet. I have just started this diet and intend to measure my body in inches and keeping a log of the changes. Taking photos is a good idea too as fiwobble81 suggests, I will do that too.

    I am also going to give the exercise DVD Shred a go as I have seen remarkable changes in my friends body and she is older than me. She is also on a diet and found that although she was losing weight she couldn't shift her stomach bulge. Now it has almost gone so it works. My husband is going to give it a go too. You might want to check with your GP that it or any exercise regime are suitable for you first. A bridesmaid on crutches is not a good look.

    As for keeping to the diet just put those pictures of what you look like now on the fridge next to one of the dress you want to wear and that might be enough to make you stick to it. Also if it isn't in your cupboards you cant eat it.

    Keep at it and 4.4lbs is a great start. You can do it and you might surprise yourself and upstage the other girls not by being a size 6 or under but by being sexy like Marilyn Monroe
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    I am the maid of honor for my sister's wedding in April AND its on my birthday so I am definitely in!! I don't want to be the fat one either!
  • erinsundberg
    erinsundberg Posts: 26 Member
    I was asked to be a bridesmaid at the age of 51 along with my daughter aged18! She is half my size and I am dreading it too hence the diet. I have just started this diet and intend to measure my body in inches and keeping a log of the changes. Taking photos is a good idea too as fiwobble81 suggests, I will do that too.

    I am also going to give the exercise DVD Shred a go as I have seen remarkable changes in my friends body and she is older than me. She is also on a diet and found that although she was losing weight she couldn't shift her stomach bulge. Now it has almost gone so it works. My husband is going to give it a go too. You might want to check with your GP that it or any exercise regime are suitable for you first. A bridesmaid on crutches is not a good look.

    As for keeping to the diet just put those pictures of what you look like now on the fridge next to one of the dress you want to wear and that might be enough to make you stick to it. Also if it isn't in your cupboards you cant eat it.

    Keep at it and 4.4lbs is a great start. You can do it and you might surprise yourself and upstage the other girls not by being a size 6 or under but by being sexy like Marilyn Monroe

    Great ideas! Thank you! I'll definitely use them!
  • erinsundberg
    erinsundberg Posts: 26 Member
    I am the maid of honor for my sister's wedding in April AND its on my birthday so I am definitely in!! I don't want to be the fat one either!

    It's a scary feeling! I'm actually a little disappointed in myself that after being over weight since I've had my kids, my youngest being 12 in a few weeks, that this is finally what opened my eyes!
  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    I am in a wedding this July. Not only is the bride and all the other bridesmaids a smaller size, but they are also all taller than I am. Ugh, I am trying to use that as motivation to stay on track, both with diet and exercise, but could also use some extra help and support. I am also willing to dish it out as well (motivation and support that is) to anyone who would like to friend me! Good luck ladies. I am sure you will all be fabulous and look stunning up there on the big days!!!
  • lauralouw91
    lauralouw91 Posts: 36 Member
    I know how you feel!
    I'm a bridesmaid this September. Im so excited but Im currently the chubbiest. One of the others is a stick!
    We going dress shopping tomorrow I really don't want to look awful!
    I'm currently a size 12 pushing 14 but I'd like to have a size 10 dress at the biggest. That's my aim
  • Can_Change_Natalie
    Can_Change_Natalie Posts: 109 Member
    Me too, I am bridesmaid at my sisters wedding in August and want to feel good on the day.we can all do it :-)
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    I was supposed to lose all my weight for my sisters wedding last year. Instead I got bigger. The photos make me cry and people were laughing at me. Use me as your inspiration and stick to your plan. Good luck!
  • eheinze12
    eheinze12 Posts: 58 Member
    I am the bridesmaid for not only a wedding but my best friends wedding in May and have to purchase my dress really soon.. within the next two weeks.. and I started December 2nd watching what I ate and following the turbo fire program. So far, I am on day 39 and in my 6th week of the program. My first month's results were losing about 5.5 pounds and 7 inches overall.. I am hoping for an even bigger loss this month in inches. I am one of the bigger bridesmaids and the bride is curvacious and beautiful! So envious of that fact. I want to continue to lose inches so that I can feel and look my very best on a very important day :) Adding you, I'm extremely active and supportive! :)
  • erinsundberg
    erinsundberg Posts: 26 Member
    I was supposed to lose all my weight for my sisters wedding last year. Instead I got bigger. The photos make me cry and people were laughing at me. Use me as your inspiration and stick to your plan. Good luck!

    thats terrible!! I feel horrible for you
  • erinsundberg
    erinsundberg Posts: 26 Member
    I am the bridesmaid for not only a wedding but my best friends wedding in May and have to purchase my dress really soon.. within the next two weeks.. and I started December 2nd watching what I ate and following the turbo fire program. So far, I am on day 39 and in my 6th week of the program. My first month's results were losing about 5.5 pounds and 7 inches overall.. I am hoping for an even bigger loss this month in inches. I am one of the bigger bridesmaids and the bride is curvacious and beautiful! So envious of that fact. I want to continue to lose inches so that I can feel and look my very best on a very important day :) Adding you, I'm extremely active and supportive! :)

    Perfect! I need it!!
  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    Here's your motivation. I WAS the fat bridesmaid in TWO weddings last summer. I almost cried when I saw the pictures.

    Don't let it be you... stay on track... you can do it!!

    P.S. ALSO, I didn't lose the weight, my dress didn't fit and I had to have it remade a few weeks before the wedding.
  • erinsundberg
    erinsundberg Posts: 26 Member
    Here's your motivation. I WAS the fat bridesmaid in TWO weddings last summer. I almost cried when I saw the pictures.

    Don't let it be you... stay on track... you can do it!!

    Thank you!!! I hear all these horror stories and its what has me terrified of it!!! The girl in my profile pic with me, obviously the little one is the soon to be bride ill be standing next to....
  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    Hey guys! I was 154 (at 5ft) and in a size 14 David's Bridal bridesmaid's dress November 2011. I was to be a bridesmaid October 5 2012 and I started dieting the day after that fitting - I was in tears as I left the store.

    I ended up ordering the dress I was to wear (strapless which I hate!!!) in a SIZE 6. I wore that size 6 and rocked it at the wedding. I was NOT the fat bridesmaid at all.

    You all can do it too! I need to update my picture with "the" dress....
  • lag4908
    lag4908 Posts: 11
    I totally feel you girl! Feeling like the "biggest one" is NOT fun. I started my plan about 2 weeks ago and the scale has been slow but so far I've lost a good amount of inches, and the exercise has made me feel amazing. I've found it helpful to daydream while doing my cardio (elliptical, treadmill etc.) and envision myself looking hot in a bikini this summer! You really have to sink into that part of your brain and shut off the voice that tells you your too tired or not fit enough to stick it out and stay working out. You have to realize that you've already come a long way, you made the decision to lose the weight and get fit! You aren't sitting on the couch angry at yourself, you are already in the process of getting to your goal, and that is very admirable. Just take it day by day and count calories. Eating less and working out more works, your body has no choice but to change! You can do it!
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    I'm actually not a bridesmaid but several of my friends are getting married this year and i want to look good for their big day. I don't get to doll up in fancy/pretty dresses that often so for me it really is a special occasion.